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Blesta Addons

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Everything posted by Blesta Addons

  1. also from using v2 , we have found in v3 that invoice past due date has the same color as other invoice, it would be nice to see a red color in invoice date due . client and admin side . a condition like client side <td<?php echo ($invoices[$i]->date_due < date("c") ? " class=\"text-danger\"" : "") ;?>> admin side <td<?php echo ($invoices[$i]->date_due < date("c") ? " class=\"red_txt\"" : "") ;?>> we prefer to see it in the core files .
  2. we have Suspend Services Days After Due set to 1 day . in cron , Suspend Services set start time to 00:00 . invoice related due date is Mar 27, 2016 . normally in Mar 28, 2016 at 00:00 the service should be suspended , that has not happen . Task Last Ran: Mar 28, 2016 12:00:03 AM what is wrong here ? where i should look at it ?
  3. we have used blesta from the beta release 1 , we have used it and it was simple and what we need , some features we have created a standalone page that we have used to do our jobs , like move services/invoices/transactions between clients . after release of v3 , we have been happy to see it and it features and the most important 2 factors was "open source" and "security" , we have adapted some modules and plugins to that version , but have not upgraded for some internal decision and cases . after 2 years of watching and seeing what happen , we have finally decided to move, 6 months of test and test and test , we have decided today to move . we have used blesta and some our custom plugins to build a new website fronted and billing , that we will release some of them . - Multi-Languages Plugin , convert blesta to a true multi-languages site (urls & navigation links) . we will release it soon . - blesta Hosting CMS (we will not release it , sorry ) - Cart Menu Plugin, display cart and content in any blesta page . we will release it soon . - Hosting Order template , the only true hosting order template , we will release it soon . Now is time to watch and see the bugs/errors that can occur . and fix them . after i will dedicate a more time to help in blesta plugins/modules .
  4. as title, is nice to add a new tag for amount past due in the Email Template Invoice Notice . blesta 2.5 was this tag .
  5. using google finnance to update correncies is not working . yahoo finnance is working . any one has this issue ?
  6. i have fixed the import issue with using my own fucntion to set date .
  7. i found the fucntion that convert timess, but it make them all (-1hour). dateToUtc() !!! if the time in old blesta and the new system is identical . hwy it make it -1 in databse ?
  8. when i set time to UTC +1:00 DST , the system put all the invoice date to -1 day and show a incorrect income Revenue . when i set time to UTC +1:00 the calculation and the invoice date are shown correctly . not that the invoice are imported from blesta v2.5, in the database the invoice date are 2016-03-27 , in new blesta database it show 2016-03-26 23:00:00 . how to fix this in the import manager . all the imported data are -1 Hour time .... i need to be the time equal as the old data , 2016-03-27 is not 2016-03-26 23:00:00 . is shoudl be 2016-03-27 == 2016-03-27 00:00:00 .
  9. the two task is different , the first one for unpaid renewal service , the second for unpaid new orders . the task for OP request is here https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-1686 . the second task can be done via a custom plugin also .
  10. i think you need just to empty the cache . use my plugin admin tools, or just update group staff permissions .
  11. not possible now, maybe in v4.0 they have some new features ... your request is already discussed , look at this features http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4769-renew-services-before-thier-end-date/?hl=attach#entry35548 http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3534-forcibly-generate-services-next-invoice/page-2?hl=generate#entry40789
  12. and what if you have invoice including multiple services, and only 1 service is cancelled by client ? your query will void all the invoice and you will lose payment for some active services !!!!!
  13. i have my own order_type , i want to make some extra validation when a cart is updated . in my order_type_xxxx.php i have the update item callabeck , but is not triggers when i update or edit the cart item . and to make sur is working , i have made a simple function , when a product is updated/edited the updateItem callback should normally empty the cart , but is not working !!! public function updateItem(EventObject $event) { $this->cart->emptyCart(); } is something i need to do or any error in my part ? ADDED : the same for remove item event , no result public function removeItem(EventObject $event) { // $params = $event->getParams(); $this->cart->emptyCart(); }
  14. First you need to add the two package in one order form . Also you can't add two items in one shoot . You need to do this with 2 command . But i don't see any API request in your example .
  15. if you will pu them via API , then ad product 1 , and add product 2 . you should send 2 command . then just use the checkout link
  16. if i understand well the case . the option package will be added to the vars of the services when is activated by the module . but i need to know what happen if the option are paid after the service is activated . which function the module will run to handle the request ? in renewal , the option name will be passed to the $vars fields in command ? a simple case with logicbox, the logicbox has now a paid service of privacy-protection , it can be passed with option in register and renew action as "purchase-privacy" , if set to true it will activated the option "purchase-privacy=true" , by default is set to false . so in creation or renew if the option package is paid the module will pass it as true , at here i think is good . now if a client after a domain registration has been made, they have added the package option , and he paid the invoice , how the module will handle the action ? or the options will be added to the services fields until the module make the renew to pass it ? logicbox has a command to purchase the privacy after the domain has been activated , is "purchase-privacy()" function . how the module will handle this command ?
  17. at my side i have not successed to show the confugurable option in the order form ... i ahev all do as the wiki https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Creating+Configurable+Options but the config option is not shown when ordering package !!! is the module need to have some extra functions ? resolved by setting the option and the package with the same term price .
  18. i get time to make some test .... some cctld like .fr not supporting the registrar lock . and if the client/admin set the option he get a error Undefined property: stdClass::$epp_key on line 23 in /home/xxxxxxxxxx/public_html/blesta/components/modules/internetbs/views/default/tab_settings.pdt also i like the idea of command tabs in opensrs . it would be nice to see it also in this module . i will add it in my logicbox reloaded module .
  19. the expiration date is the date expiration of the service itself , the expiration date is the date of activation in blesta + 1 year . modules can't register a cron task , i have already requested this just for this case, the only possibility is a separated plugin for sync dates beetwet registrar and blesta . i have not get a time to write a plugin for this but sure i will do when i get more free time . for your second question you need to add the request in tha addservice function .. search if (isset($response->response()->entityid)) $order_id = $response->response()->entityid; change to if (isset($response->response()->entityid)) { $order_id = $response->response()->entityid; // add thieft protection $domains->enableTheftProtection($vars); } not tested yet .
  20. soon i will release a new version for this module, if blesta staff want to merge the two module , no probleme for me , i give him the full right to do it . i also see usig the order-id to identify the domain is a big mistake . the domain should be identified by the domain not by a number !!!!
  21. i have the same request . so let me explain . i have a module , i have setup a package for it . i have setup 2 Package Options (for this package) they are paid . is clear here ? in my module a have two tabs that need to show some setting if the package option is already purshased , if not i will see a denied or else . is clear here ? now how i can in my module determinita that the package option X are purshased and paid ?
  22. i will put here a manual Howto do it yourself . open plugins\order\lib\order_types\registration\order_type_registration.php and search : public function editSettings(array $vars) { $rules = array( 'template' => array( 'valid' => array( 'rule' => array("compares", "==", "standard"), 'message' => Language::_("OrderTypeRegistration.!error.template.valid", true) ) ) ); $this->Input->setRules($rules); if ($this->Input->validates($vars)) return $vars; } in the rule add your own template name like : public function editSettings(array $vars) { $rules = array( 'template' => array( 'valid' => array( 'rule' => array("compares", "==", "standard"), 'rule' => array("compares", "==", "your_template"), 'message' => Language::_("OrderTypeRegistration.!error.template.valid", true) ) ) ); $this->Input->setRules($rules); if ($this->Input->validates($vars)) return $vars; } in our case we want the registration support some setting that we have set in admin side ; so change public function supportsMultipleGroups() { return null; } to public function supportsMultipleGroups() { return true; } in the setting file you can add your own settings . but i suggest to create a new order type for this .
  23. Thanks Paulov ..i will try it and why not if i have time convert it to a plugin .
  24. perfect , you will save me the time to code it again
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