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  1. Strange enough, I didnt even think of that Appreciate it Allan!
  2. This is very strange, all other crons are working besides this one. I checked the script (no issues) I can run it manually. However it wont automatically run. Nothing specific just the entire */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /home/********/public_html/clients/index.php cron Is not running. If this has been encapsulated elsewhere I was unable to find it via a search. Regards, Brandon
  3. Yeah they are reading different accounts, but I believe my newer one's have been created on CPE, whilst the older on default.
  4. I track all my leads in ESPOCRM outside of blesta. Nothing integrated
  5. So I have a few questions : I installed CPE after the use of the default cPanel module. I want to use CPE exclusively. CPE states 2 accounts, the default states 9, which both equals out to my total accounts. How do I migrate the 9 defaults over to CPE? This would help me tremendously. I attempted to find an answer but nothing direct to what I needed unless of course I am missing something. Regards
  6. I hope this isn't a necro, however I have searched high and dry to find out if we can add the same captcha to public support (ie a sales form). Thank you in advanced!
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