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  1. Waqass

    Free Hosting Trial

    Yeah. I thought of the same. Just wanted to confirm if there is a better way to do it. Thanks for prompt response.
  2. Waqass

    Free Hosting Trial

    I want acomplish the same for 7 days. I see I can creat an additional payment term for 7 days but after 7 days the plan will just suspend or if I set a renewal fee it will be applied to 7 days only. Isn't there any auotmated way that upon expiry client will be offered a choice to switch for either monhtly or annual plan?
  3. I don't think so there is a direct way for that and would require to add a dummy service and then edit the domain in backend database. In other billing system clientexec you just create the package and the plugin detects if the domain exists in the on the respective server or not. And this is not only for web hosting..for vps they also have vpsid which you can enter to let the billing system know that vps already exists. I wish blesta let much more control in front end.
  4. Ok. There were some issues with the settings. Managed to resolve. Thanks.
  5. I am unable to connect or list packages from directadmin. I have checked all the settings and everything seems to be fine. From log I can see there is some error in json output. I have disabled csf in directadmin just to ensure and packages does exits in DA. Any help would be appreciated.
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