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Everything posted by Mujahed

  1. good job
  2. That's alright, in the open source world it is normal for someone to fork an open source project and build on top of it or modify it (MySQL & MariaDB, OwnCloud & NextCloud) , however, when you use a code that is written by others, you must keep the copyrights/license of the original developer and not change it to your own, and only put your own copyrights/license to the files/code you wrote , e.g: - NextCloud which is a fork of OwnCloud,(server/apps/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php) : https://github.com/nextcloud/server/blob/6a75296ccbd37d11f88f1e69cfe4063a802c438c/apps/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php - OwnCloud's File (core/apps/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php): https://github.com/owncloud/core/blob/master/apps/dav/lib/CalDAV/Plugin.php
  3. I don't think so ... at least not entirely true, the component I mentioned is the download/download.php, have a look at the license comment on the top of that file in your blesta, and you will find that the license is not an open source, yet the source code is open: blesta.com/license Other than that component, yeah they're open source (minPHP). My criticism was about them being the same as the original framework (minPHP) but with a different name and few new files/components and new copyrights (for the same exact code/files ...etc)
  4. What's the difference between it and the minPHP? ... frankly, doesn't look like there is much ..... And the "Advandz-Framework/src/components/download/download.php" component looks exactly like the one that is shipped with Blesta, obviously, this component isn't shipped with the minPHP framework, so its not "Open Source" and its copyrighted, so you cannot re-use it without a permission: https://github.com/Advandz/Advandz-Framework/blob/master/src/components/download/download.php https://github.com/phillipsdata/minphp/tree/master/src/components In general, its just the minPHP framework, with download (which you copied from Blesta), http, hashing, and orm components (did you copy these from somewhere else ?!), which is not enough to make it a different framework. Also the components/files ...etc you took from minPHP, the comments on the top of these files, you shouldn't replace them with your own copyrights !!!!!: https://github.com/Advandz/Advandz-Framework/blob/master/src/components/session/session.php https://github.com/phillipsdata/minphp/blob/master/src/components/session/session.php Yeah, a lot of "copying" work !!!!!!!!
  5. FreeAgent looks good: https://www.freeagent.com/ Other options would be Xero & QuickBooks.
  6. Well, Blesta.com used to be built on WordPress, and they moved to Hugo, so they're just announcing this...... what is your problem with this anyway? why is it bothering you ?
  7. you can do it by calling the models in the view files which is unrecommended and breaks the rules of the MVC, OR you can modify the controller to call the models and then pass the vars to the view, then modify the view files to print these info.
  8. Kinda weird that you post a testimonial for your own app ?! Lol, should be for customers ... i think Anyways, blesta is a secure app and i like it.
  9. You can have a look at the DB schema, blesta/components/upgrade/schema.sql
  10. Mujahed

    Release 3.6.1

    Looking forward to it
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