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  1. Nevermind, i managed to solve it...
  2. Hi, I am facing this error for some time. While creating new package the module fields do not load when i checked in my firefox as to why it is happening i found an an error: Undefined offset: 0 on line 360 When i went ahead further to debug the issue i found that "module_row" key in $vars that is passed to getPackageField function is 0. Even for a particular package this error arises. I am trying to figure out where is this error coming from since last week but to no success. Can you help me out or just give me a suggestion or to even look for something so that i can rectify this issue
  3. Radix

    Check For Login

    Hi, Is there a way to check in blesta if admin is logged in or client. Means if an admin is logged in only admin stuff would be called and displayed and not the user. But when we login as a client we can only see client stuff. Just asking for an idea.
  4. Hi, Nevermind I saw one similar issue on the forum and read your reply and did accordingly. It worked. Thanks.
  5. Well i created a service for a client from the admin part....I entered every detail while creating a service. Now when i login as client and the click on the service there is dropdown which will show the service info. but it shows nothing. And i guess the serviceinfo would be getting data from this module function getClientServiceInfo which i saw in your documentation. But its returning nothing. Can you give me a fair idea as to what calls i would have to make or what additional things i will have to do in order to get service info at the client side.
  6. Hi, the function getAdminServiceInfo($service, $package) gives no information about the service. Can you please help me out with this. Thanks
  7. Yes i fixed it. Thanks for the help. I really appreciate it.
  8. Anyways no need to reply to my question.Problem Solved. Some quote was missing. I fixed it. Thanks for the help guys.
  9. I apologize for a foolish question but do i have to include the jquery file in "/app/view/admin/default/javascript/" when i embed js in module or does it parse automatically?? That js src path was just for example.
  10. Yes i did. Okay let me try
  11. $fields->setHtml(" <script type = \"text/javascript\" src = \"/path-to-js/jquery.min.js\"></script> <script type = \"text/javascript\"> $(window).load(function(){ $(\"#selectId\").prepend(\"<option value=''>__Select option__</option>\").val(' '); }); </script> "); I am trying to append an option in the dropdown list using prepend function. Let me know if there's something wrong
  12. Hi again, i wanted to ask..is it possible to embed js code in blesta module function? I tried to include javascript code using setHtml function but somehow it is not being called. Can you provide me some hints as to how i can achieve this?
  13. Radix

    Database Access

    Hi, Guys thanks for the heads up. I was not asking about encrypting or decrypting a user password. The link provided by Licensecart helped me. Yes i did read they are one way hashes. Anyways i got my solution. Your software is easy to use and understand. Great Work. Great Help. Thanks a lot!!! .... I'll keep posting if i face any other problems
  14. Radix

    Database Access

    When i am trying to call systemDecrypt method like the one you said AppModel::systemDecrypt($var); it gives me an error saying call to undefined function loadCrypto(). What if i try to include or load the file app_model and then trying to call the method?
  15. Radix

    Database Access

    Then how would i make an api call, where a password is required as a parameter? Should i pass it directly and system would handle the decryption or do i need to do something else?
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