@vedova the smart search was already doing great + for the accounting we are doing it on monthly basis so everything is on track (we have connect it with 3rd party accounting software which follows the local tax requirements and makes the work easier for our account department), for Vies and VAT MOSS the same but yeah still lagging. "I didn't choose Blesta for pricing reasons " - Me nether, I like supporting new projects and companies plus I'm not fan of closed source (back then, blesta was still new on the market with not much price difference with the main competitor). "Times are changed and affiliate is important but not all. If you are not a hosting giant, these will cover not more than 2-3% of your total annual sales."
You do realise that 1 to 3% of total annual sales is not that small. This is why I said that affiliate and even 1% of annual sales profit can cover side expenses like the yearly price for the competitor solution.
We focus on both SEO & Ads and Facebook. Facebook/Twitter are actually driving tons of traffic / shares and sales.
Anyway again I love blesta and I'm against going with the masses but that doesn't mean that should lag with the basics.