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Everything posted by nuv

  1. niyo's link suggests to me that this has happened before and reported and a "feature request" was opened to rectify this. But that was for Resellerclub. (In fact, the guy who reported it got confused with the same thing i.e wasn't working via mobile which just proves my theory.) Guys come on, why can't we have this universally ? We want this, it enhances usability. Apparently everyone is hacking their code to get this done on one module or the other.
  2. Thank you as always Tyson. Wouldn't it be better to make it lower case ? How can I do that ?
  3. Thanks Mike. However, I just added the following code to my structure.pdt and that solved it. <style> .form-control { padding-top:0px;padding-bottom:0px; } </style>
  4. Hello, While entering the main domain name for web hosting, the domain field does not accept capitalized domain names. Making the domain name small in the backend would have made more sense than to throw an error that the domain name isn't valid. According to Domain Names specification (RFC 2035), they are not only valid but identical. Normally,it wouldn't be a problem but while ordering via mobile, most phones are set to input capitalized words and that error isn't specific and confusing. So, I'd like to convince you guys to drop that check or alter it to make it small in the back end. Am I missing some logic here ? Your input is appreciated. Irrespective of your decision, I'd like a hack/change in code etc. for it. I don't think its very user friendly. Will/Can it cause problems ? Capital domain names
  5. Hello, Text in my SELECT form input is being chipped off after I increased blesta's font size to 18px. Any help is appreciated. My override CSS * { -webkit-border-radius: 0 !important; -moz-border-radius: 0 !important; border-radius: 0 !important; font-size:18px; font-family: 'Open Sans', sans-serif; } Test Image
  6. Hello, I would love to have an option to override "From email" and "From name" in the "Ticket Received" email notification according to the department that ticket has been opened with. At this moment, if you input "From name" as "Support" and "from email" as "support@example.com", then any ticket that is created in any department (be it sales or support) has the "from email" as "support@example.com" in its email notification. What I'd like is, if someone opens a sales ticket, he should get that email notification from sales@example.com and "Sales" (in from name) Please note - When ticket is replied to, "from email" gets overridden to the departments email. This doesn't happen for newly created tickets though, so I'm unsure if its a bug or no one worked on it. Also, an option to override "From name" would be good too. At the moment "From name" remains the same, be it new ticket email notification or ticket reply email notification. Thank you
  7. Mike, I've done that. My "override the form address" option is ticked. However, it only works for ticket updates and not ticket creation. For example - My Setting - In my email templates for the ticket creation and ticket update, "From Name" is set to "Support Department" and "From Email" is set to "support@". In each of the dept. setting, "overide the from address" option is ticked and saved. Scenario 1 (ticket creation) - If a user creates a ticket with Sales, that user gets an email from "support@" and "Support Dept." saying that they have received user's ticket. Which means that "From Email" isn't overridden. Scenario 2 (ticket update) - However, when a staff member updates that ticket, user gets an email from "sales@" and "Support Dept." (please note here that "from name" doesn't change ). Which means that "From Email" is overridden but not "From Name". What am I missing here ? Your settings allow you to override "From Email" in ticket creation email?
  8. Yes I understand that. What I'm saying is, usually if you open a ticket with sales dept, you get an email from sales dept. When you open a ticket with support dept. you get an email from support dept. However, blesta only allows you to enter 1 "email" and 1 "from". Is that right ? Thus, even if you open an email with the sales dept, you'll see an email from the support dept., since you've set support@ for licensecart
  9. What happens when someone opens a ticket with the sales dept ? They'd be getting emails from support@domain.com and not sales@domain.com ?
  10. Ah I see. Well if I couldn't change the timezone or display client's complete name, my template would pretty much look like yours. Also, one more question. Can I change "From" and "From Email" ? Like if, someone submitted a ticket to sales dept, he would see email from sales@domain.com and if a ticket is submitted to support, then support@domain.com.
  11. You use this as a subject ? Also, what I'd like to enquire is about main email body. Can I indicate the date time of the ticket according to my timezone and if I can also indicate the clients name and not the ID.
  12. Yes Mike, I read that. I kind of copy/pasted that line from the docs in my question. My curiosity is why ? Since ticket numbers are unique too (I think?). Currently my subject is [{ticket_hash_code}]:{ticket.summary} Thus my subject of the email reads [#1270384 -801c-]:I need help with domain addition whereas, if {ticket.code} would have sufficed, subject would have looked aesthetically more pleasant [1270384]:I need help with domain addition However, please understand that this isn't the reason as to why I opened this thread. Its just a curiosity. My main question is about manipulating tags. Can I do it ? Can I not do it ?
  13. Hello, Can I manipulate tags in email template ? For eg - Consider support manager plugin (https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Support+Manager) . I'm editing an email template for "Ticket Received" and I noticed that there are multiple tags available. One of them is {ticket.date_added}. According to the doc, that tag would show "The UTC datetime stamp of ticket creation". Can I change the timezone ? I'd like to show the ticket creation time based on my timezone. Second tag is {ticket.client_id}, which should client id. Can I show client name ? {First name} {last name} {ticket.date_added} (in my timezone) {ticket.details_html} Lastly, why do I need to use {ticket_hash_code} in the subject line to allow for tickets to be replied to by email and not {ticket.code} ? I'm assuming {ticket.code} is unique too. I'm just curious about this. Its not an issue.
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