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  1. Awesome, I'll be watching this closely.
  2. Upgrading the 4.1.0 fixed the issue.
  3. I added the Interworx module to my install and everything appears to be working, no errors were given when adding the module. I'm attaching the output from adding the module. When I try to use that module inside of a package I do not get an option to choose what package to use. See the attached screenshot to see what I mean. I have verified that I have packages available to choose from. I have also verified that php-soap and libxml are installed. I have tried both secured and and unsecured, with no difference. One thing that I noticed is I used to have an option to specify if it was a reseller account or a user account, that is no longer there. Any ideas on what is going on and how I can fix it? BlestaInterworkxLog.txt
  4. Did this ever get implemented? I ask because I am having the same issue and can't mark the package as inactive because the DirectAdmin server no longer exists. Is there anyway around this? I would like to remove the entire DirectAdmin module since I'm no longer using that but am unable to.
  5. Could you explain a little bit more about how that would work?
  6. I would like to create a ticket within the Blesta support system on behalf of a client when a 3rd invoice notification is sent so our sales department can reach out to the client and see what is going on. Is this possible?
  7. Re-uploading that module seemed to fix it, thanks for the hint!
  8. The universal module is not listed in the avaiable modules on a new install of 3.0.5 Am I dumb and just missing it or is something messed up. I click on Company -> Modules -> Available and there is no universal module listed.
  9. Any updated info on the enom module? Just waiting for that one to drop.
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