hi ,
on creating a invoice manually. I sent the invoice manually also. Strange thing happened and another invoice was sent out automatically. Is that about right ? am I missing the plot ?
Maybe I shouldnt have sent it out manually ye ??
I have deleted all the support plugins x 2. I have uploaded the latest support managerpro .. still have the same issue
Oh noes!
Class 'SupportManagerproController' not found on line 11 in /home/888/public_html/plugins/support_managerpro/support_managerpro_kb_controller.php
when attempting to access the support tab up top /admin/plugin/support_manager/admin_main/
I get the error
Oh noes!
Class 'SupportManagerController' not found on line 11 in /home/888/public_html/plugins/support_manager/support_manager_kb_controller.php
running cpanel. Having errors with install the support modules..
Class 'SupportManagerController' not found on line 11 in /home/***/public_html/plugins/support_manager/support_manager_kb_controller.php