First go at creating a Blesta v3 module for interfacing with our (commercial) server provisioning software.
Once the server order has been approved the customer can login to the client area and choose which operating system profile to install on the server, and specify root passwords.
For security reasons the passwords entered are only used during installation, and not stored in Blesta.
That's also the reason the customer has to wait until the order has been approved before provisioning the server, instead of entering the details during the order process.
The installation progress can be monitored
Data traffic can be viewed provided the server is connected to a managed Ethernet switch
The customer can power up/down/reset his server provided it has a IPMI/BMC/iLO/DRAC/AMT management chip or is connected to a remote power switch such as those made by APC.
In addition to provisioning dedicated servers, VPSes are supported as well. Can automatically let it create Citrix Xenserver, Proxmox VE 3, oVirt and Vmware vSphere VPSes, using the specifications configured in the package settings.
Dedicated servers can be assigned manually by staff approving the order, or assigned automatically from a predefined pool of available servers.
For Xenserver, Proxmox and oVirt we offer a HTML 5 console that only requires a recent browser, and not any additional plug-ins.
Still have to clean up the templates a bit, and give them a more Blesta look & feel, as they are based on the module we offer for another billing panel.
Also the data traffic feature currently only shows pretty graphs, but doesn't actually bill overage.