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  1. OK I figured it out. What I did was logged into my maxmind account, and created a new key. Then from there they give you a unique link (with your KeyID you need to use) to download the file. I did that, extracted it, created the system folder in the upload folder and then uploaded the file into the system folder. Hopefully this will help anyone else in the future.
  2. Hello The link given in the GeoIP settings is not working https://geolite.maxmind.com/download/geoip/database/GeoLite2-City.tar.gz <--- does not work. Is there new link to download this from? From another post from a year ago, I found this link https://src.fedoraproject.org/lookaside/pkgs/GeoIP/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz/2ec4a73cd879adddf916df479f3581c7/GeoLiteCity.dat.gz Is that current/valid?
  3. wow, I stumbled across this old thread that I forgot I started. Im shocked and said to hear this feature has not been implemented yet. I was hoping it would be. (Almost 2.5 years) I have been this feature in WHMCS/Softaculous plugin for over 2 years now.
  4. This is awesome to hear. Thanks for posting
  5. Thats too bad MG did that but makes sense from their point. Hopefully someone comes up with something. I believe WHMCS can do it, but for this project, I was looking to use a different billing app. thanks for the reply
  6. Hey Guys I was wondering if Blesta supports auto install of software (from softaculous). This is a feature I am looking for right now. thank you
  7. On the order form can the password field for for the service be removed and be generated by blesta/whm when order is paid/accepted I did some testing and if you use a weak password, then it will not auto create the account. because of a weak password. To me this will slow the process down to deliver the service to the user. Removing this option, and let the system generate it so service can be delivered right away. thank you
  8. I see the logs. I was clicking on cPanel under name and taking me to the servers (manage cpanel) i see if you click anywhere else it shows you the logs. I see the issue, weak pwd "Sorry, the password you selected cannot be used because it is too weak and would be too easy to crack. Please select a password with strength rating of 60 or higher." Another reason to get rid of that option, or make it an option so it can be turned off. Most users will not choose a strong pwd by default. I;d rather let blesta have WHM generate the pwd.
  9. Thanks for the link
  10. No I did not. I did all that, thank you very much
  11. No i made sure those options were not checked off.
  12. Thanks for that alex. There should also be a way for clients to do it themselves
  13. I think these features need to be added
  14. Yes it the coupon is assigned. It even accepts it and adjusts the price aswell. It just when it gets to the last page before payment proccesor. I may have to submit a ticket for this then
  15. Thank you for the clarification. I was getting it confused what you are saying and what the TAG was saying in the form. They will need to get that correct.
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