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Everything posted by Darksleep

  1. Darksleep

    Theme Url

    thanks ok so my would be this /client/index.php/client/login/
  2. Darksleep

    Theme Url

    Hey makeing theme for my main site that links to blesta but were would i link login,sign up to what url ? i used whmc be for this so new to blesta thanks guys
  3. Darksleep


    Love you <3
  4. Darksleep


    hello is there hey is Licensecart still doing that deal with blesta and solusvm in bundle
  5. Darksleep


    sorry is there any stock system in blesta that works with solusvm as when i run out of ip or ram it dose not allow people to buy any more
  6. Darksleep


    Stock Controls hey is there way to full automate solusvm right you really cant as what happens if you run out of ips,ram,hdd with whmcs some made plugin that dose it but i cant seem to find way for solusvm
  7. Might of find way to get unlimted use on this modual and willing to help op fix this
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