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Everything posted by austenite

  1. austenite

    mysql 5.7

    Hi there Did you try searching for this? As the answer is here - https://docs.blesta.com/display/user/Requirements
  2. It's unlikely that this is going to be picked up by Blesta directly due to the real lack of demand, and clearly from the lack of updates here on the forum it's unlikely to be picked up by a community member so you may wish to look for a developer using other sites like UpWork, Freelance etc. Have you also checked the 'Find a Developer' section on the site? This can be found along at https://www.blesta.com/development/ In addition the Blesta team can also undertake custom work if you sponsor the development, have you tried reaching out to them along at https://www.blesta.com/about/#contact? Ultimately if you're searching for custom work to be done it's down to you to source/find a developer, the community isn't going to find one for you.
  3. @adamjedgar Have you raised a support ticket with Blesta or your license provider directly to have these issues addressed? Baring in mind that the title literally explicitly says 'ALPHA' which basically means it's in testing and there's likely to be issues. If you're trying to use this module in a production environment then I'm afraid that's not the intention at this time, you'd use this in development or testing environment. I sincerely hope you're not using Cent OS Web Panel to host customer data, as it literally is garbage and is known to cause problems/randomly break. In addition to a support ticket you may also want to consider joining the Facebook group, or the Discord channel where you can chat with the developers and of course other users who may or may not be able to assist with the issues that you're having while using this module.
  4. I have to agree with the others, fantastic work and real potential for an amazing product.
  5. I tested the panel, just sharing my experience and thoughts based on my experience.
  6. Awesome plugin, works reliably and really very useful! As much as it's good to support other panels I don't think CWP should be one that's implemented, in terms of control panels it's an absolute train wreck. I would think that cPanel and then Plesk down the line would be sufficient.
  7. Welcome to the club! If you have a moment do join us along on Discord - https://discord.gg/sKSFma
  8. What on earth are you talking about?
  9. We've been using 2CO with Blesta for 2-3 years, and have been receiving payments up until yesterday. Still no problems, are you 100% sure this isn't a configuration issue?
  10. Have you clarified with Blesta or your vendor as to whether this license is transferable? If so I'd also be interested in purchasing this.
  11. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    Limits need to be passed through the API upon account creation, the package in WHM/Blesta only applies to the cPanel account belonging to the resller itself, not the additional cPanel accounts it creates. At the moment Blesta users have to do it manually, you can see how WHMCS deals with this here; https://docs.whmcs.com/CPanel/WHM#For_a_reseller_package https://docs.whmcs.com/File:Cpanel5.png
  12. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    Reseller limits aren't specified per package, but per account as mentioned above ^
  13. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    @Paul or anyone else dev team that can assist? Is there any movement at all with this?
  14. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    Searching cPanel reseller ACL on Google shows this thread and a few others. Judging by other threads it looks like there's a number of the Blesta devs along with other forums members that simply don't understand (or don't want to understand) exactly how WHM/cPanel assign reseller limits and the capability of the API. The ACL's aren't assigned per package, but per account and therefore they have to be assigned in one of the following fashions; 1) Assigned by calling setresellerlimits in the API on account creation (Blesta doesn't do this). 2) Manually through WHM post account creation. This is a pretty fundamental part of the reseller account creation process, and without this Blesta currently doesn't server those that sell reseller packages very well using the core cPanel module. Comparing the module to WHMCS, ClientExec and free alternatives like BoxBilling I can see that these other systems have nailed this. Why is Blesta missing some really very important functionality? Nothing seems to be happening with it at all.
  15. Searching cPanel reseller ACL on Google shows this thread and a few others, as well as mine located here - Judging by other threads it looks like there's a number of the Blesta devs along with other forums members that simply don't understand (or don't want to understand) exactly how WHM/cPanel assign reseller limits and the capability of the API. The ACL's aren't assigned per package, but per account and therefore they have to be assigned in one of the following fashions; 1) Assigned by calling setresellerlimits in the API on account creation (Blesta doesn't do this). 2) Manually through WHM post account creation. This is a pretty fundamental part of the reseller account creation process, and without this Blesta currently doesn't server those that sell reseller packages very well using the core cPanel module. Comparing the module to WHMCS, ClientExec and free alternatives like BoxBilling I can see that these other systems have nailed this. Why is Blesta missing some really very important functionality? Nothing seems to be happening with it at all.
  16. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    Did anything ever happen with this?
  17. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    Sorry I forgot to update this, the only values in addition to those already passed by the cpanel module when creating a reseller would be those that I've screenshoted.
  18. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    What I'll do is double check and report back, I work with cpanel everyday so am pretty confident however am no developer. Also, it wouldn't be the first time I've been wrong! ? I'll let you know mate, thanks for the response.
  19. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    Hey Paul, It would be a request to add those features into the package tool within Blesta and then those values be passed on upon account creation within WHM. With blestas current implementation of this resellers can create an unlimited number of accounts that utilise unlimited space and bandwidth. So resellers aren't limited at at all, whilst the reseller themselves can be limited through a package on WHM, that only limits the reseller themselves and not their resold accounts. The values that need to be passed are per my screenshot, the other permissions are managed through an ACL list. I'm happy to create a reseller account on my server for you to take a look at if you'd like. I'm not much of a developer so wouldn't be able to provide any evidence of what specific things you'd need to tweak. Simply saying this as an end user of blesta.
  20. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    Was kind of hoping for official acknowledgement of this or at least a response. @Paul are you able to chip in at all?
  21. Welcome to the club
  22. Could also be permissions, navigate to your docroot and run the following: find . -type f -exec chmod 644 {} \; && find . -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;
  23. If you're purchasing a master reseller you can basically guarantee the server you and your clients will be on is massively overloaded, even more so with the introduction of these super master alpha reseller things whereby you can resell master resellers who can subsequently reseller reseller packages. Lost yet!?
  24. You need to alter the restart interval in Tools & Settings > Apache Web Server change it to something like 30 seconds and then retest.
  25. austenite

    CPanel ACL

    Any feedback on this at all?
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