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Everything posted by santiagohl

  1. Thanks all for taking the time to check this out.
  2. No it is not on the form at all, no pop up come up either for it, and I did try using the Are You Human option and that works. I will be using the are you human for now until they can figure out what is going on with the reChapata. Being a possible browser issue - I tried, Firefox, Chrome, IE, Opera but reChapata does not work on any browser.
  3. The reChapata option does not seem to work on the order forms. I had open a support ticket and after they worked with me it still does not work so they recommended I place a bug report and maybe I could get help via the forums. I get the response of chapata not valid but the problem is there never is a popup asking to enter the chapata nor there is a section on the for with eh chapata.
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