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Everything posted by nolaghosting

  1. Hey Max, 

    I'm using Blesta 4.2.2 and NOCPS - the plugin doesn't seem to be working correctly. Is there any update to the module or troubleshooting I can do?

  2. Actually, I just checked permissions and now it's loading ok! So, just in case anyone has this issue... I recommend the following from: MySQL keeps crashing: InnoDB: Unable to lock ./ibdata1 make a copy of the original files (ibdata1, ib_logfile0, ib_logfile1...). mv ibdata1 ibdata1.bak cp -a ibdata1.bak ibdata1
  3. Yeah, I did move everything for sure. I got it up and running - at least the admin pages. It ended up being a mysql issue - finally checked the mysql logs and found a ton of errors. I ended up needing to move the ib data files to the new server's mysql folder... I backed up /var/lib/mysql to mysql.bak copied the old server's /var/lib/mysql unlocked all ib* files in /var/lib/mysq/ and /var/lib/mysql/mysql with cp -a I got the admin pages up and cron running - but my order pages do not show and there are no errors in the logs: https://account.nolag.hosting/ Any other ideas?
  4. My web server got corrupted and I had to rescue the db and move to a new install of Blesta. I'm running PHP7, applied the patch and the errors went away - but now the pages are not loading at all. There are no errors in the logs, but the site just appears to be totally blank. Any advice?
  5. Is this updated to v4 yet? I would love to use this! I'm happy to donate to development.
  6. Does this support the newest versions of Proxmox?
  7. Was this built yet? We would be interested in using this as well.
  8. Just wanted to see if this Plugin supports the newer version of Proxmox 4.
  9. Thanks for the quick reply. I set the Root Web settings back to the full path and now it is working! /var/www/vhosts/www.domain.com/html/
  10. I'm having a similar issue with the Blesta payment link. My payment_url appears to have the full path of my installation "/var/www/vhosts/hostname/www.domain.com/html/client/etc..." I don't see how to correct this - does anyone know?
  11. nevermind! we found it.
  12. I have some clients paying by check - is there any way to enter manual payments?
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