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Everything posted by ESS

  1. Hello, to anyone who can make a button under the payment option on the order page i will pay for it. I want to add e-junkie i need a button under the payment option with written "pay from e-junkie" thanks
  2. I sent you detail on pm
  3. Hello yes i have please tell me where i can contact you on private, i have skype / XMPP , i can provide also on ticket. Thank you
  4. This is what i'm try to do Not working. I tried to add another packaged called "VEDIAMO" but as you can see from photo It's not working at all. I try to add the service from client account as "new service" but also from Account actions as "Add Service" and both is no working. I confirm the package are "restricted" and not inactive. Group is added all is ok , just setup as "restricted" and i can't add it.
  5. What do you mean package restricted? I can't put restricted. Looks the screen please. And all is ok with restricted i add it to member etc etc. just i can't select them.
  6. Yes please it will be REALLY useful! and also a guide how to do this would be really really useful. Thank you
  7. Hello i have so many question....... also, how i can make custom package for customer? 2 of my customer requested a custom package. For made it i create a new package ( visible for all ) activated it ..... and after added to customer i have to remove it as "inactive"... http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/5157-assign-specific-payment-gateway-to-client-groups/?hl=gateways ( i don't understand how to make this possible ) Also how can i modify the registration form? Like i don't want the user put address2 - FAX - city.... thank you...
  8. Hello, i would like to say that i'm sorry for my english ill try to explain as my best. So i have blesta and i want some service will use paypal + bitcoin. But i want some other service will use ONLY bitcoin and not paypal. How is that possible to do ? there is also other plugin for bitcoin or only bitpay? If yes which ? Thank you !
  9. ESS


    Hello , all is ok ...... is strange to say but the mail it's send at the time ill create the invoice but ill receive on my gmail only when i run cronjob , if i create invoice at 18:42 the email will show has been sent at 18:42 but it will send only when i run cronjob...
  10. ESS


    Hello so before was looking on blesta for setup all and when i tried to make an order it's create but on my email account ill receive only the welcome email but not invoice... so everytime ill have to send invoice and the service activation ill need to run cronjob? why?
  11. hello how can i change "My Company" on login page and other? thanks.
  12. yes it worked thanks to you and all
  13. Hello i got another trouble so i was following this tutorial : https://licensecart.com/billing/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/3/how-can-i-get-a-direct-url-to-a-package/11/ but when ill tried it show yes the package but it's not select the package as you can see it show the package group but it's not select the package.. ( package id & group is right ) my blesta folder is panel... order form redirect to order.. so is right.. http://domain.com/panel/order/main/packages/order/?package_id=1&group_id=8 i can't understand what i wrong... and also if anyone can tell to me how to fix this.. i would like to put the My Account / Support / Order all in one on a same row ( i dont know if you can understand what i want to mean ) ..... this is the code.. <h4>Signup Here: <a title="" href="http://domain.co/panel/order/signup/index/signup" target="_blank" > Register Now! </a> </h4> <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}login/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>My Account</h4> <p>Have an account with us? Log in here to manage your account.</p> </div> </a> </a> </div> {% if plugins.support_manager.enabled %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/add/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-ticket fa-4x"></i> <h4>Support</h4> <p>Looking for help? You can open a trouble ticket here.</p> </div> </a> </div> </div>{% endif %} {% if plugins.order.enabled %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="http://domain.co/panel/order/main/index/order"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-shopping-cart fa-4x"></i> <h4>Order</h4> <p>Visit the order form to sign up and purchase new products and services.</p> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %} {% if plugins.download_manager.enabled %}<div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}plugin/download_manager/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-download fa-4x"></i> <h4>Download</h4> <p>You may need to be logged in to access certain downloads here.</p> </div> </a> </div>{% endif %} and for last if i buy the branded version ( the 13 $ ) of the panel i will loose all modify at structure.pdt for put my domain at the place of blesta brand? thanks to all
  14. You right , after you understand how all works it's easy.
  15. but ill have to say is not the more intuitive eheh you should make it more intuitive for noob like me ! eheh
  16. Ok after a intense fight with blesta and after i follow tutorial i finally understand how to setup package with the form i like
  17. Oh thanks you!!! Hello thank you to ! yes i will try to configure all now thanks i will follow tutorial , my version is the last... thanks
  18. Hello so days ago i setup blesta... i setup email... i unbranded it..... ill change all blesta etc etc.... now the difficult part is the part which will be in any panel the more easy... create a package................ which only on this panel seems to be really hard to do. So for first explain to me what is the module please and what i need to do with the default.... because i really don't understand what i should do for full it... but this is not the most important problem........... after i create the signup order forms i created an order forms...... and now the problem starts...... this is what i got with ajax Files does not exist: /home/admin/web/HOST/public_html/panel/plugins/order/views/templates/ajax/cart.pdt on line 120 in /home/admin/web/HOST/public_html/panel/lib/view.php #0 /home/admin/web/HOST/public_html/panel/lib/controller.php(277): View->fetch('cart', NULL) #1 /home/admin/web/HOST/public_html/panel/lib/dispatcher.php(128): Controller->render() #2 /home/admin/web/HOST/public_html/panel/index.php(21): Dispatcher::dispatch('/panel/order/ca...') #3 {main} and files are total right uploaded... please i will buy blesta but only if i understand how create a single package which seems is going to be really difficult instead of other..................... Thanks to all.
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