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  1. Keep attention that: - all Digicert's group certificates (GeoTrust, Rapidssl etc) are available in two versions: the old, "legacy…", and the new one (that has a digi- in the product code) - many Digicert's group certificates are available in two versions: normal and flex
  2. I met very same issue in WHMCS time ago. And I fixed it changing all the js managed links in normal HTML links, opened in a new tab.
  3. Really did you realized a Blesta plugin for PowerDNS? I'm interested about (but I guess many would be interested to...) What functions are covered by your plugin?
  4. Just did a quick test, importing manually an existing order using phpmyadmin It seems easy; for each existing certificate, it's necessary: - inserting a record in services table with following fields: - pricing_id (value change according to your Blesta installation) - client_id - module_row (not understood yet what is this and how to manage it: I just set the very same value of another exiting certificate) - date_added - date_renew (certificate expiring date, or maybe certificate expiring date less 15 days... ) - inserting two records in service_fields table: - the first record with service_id from the corresponding record in service table, with thesslstore_order_id as key, and with order id# from thesslstore as value - the second record with service_id from the corresponding record in service table, with thesslstore_token as key, and with token id# from thesslstore as value Everything seems to be working fine, and the user is able to manage his certificate using Blesta If I'm not missing something, it's almost trivial, and writing a script to import certificates from a CSV should be an easy half-day task...
  5. Remitur

    Tax Rules

    What's your country? AFAIK, in no european country it's required local VAT applied to the selling of services...
  6. Certificates require to be reissued every 12 months, it's true, but SSL services can last up to 6 years (WHMCS stop to just 3 years), and in the meanwhile the user can reissue his certificate whenever he wants or needs on his own and without our support... so it's quite important importing existing certificates too. (But I'm studying it and it seems not too difficult, even operating just on phpmyadmin ...)
  7. It seems you're forced to import all of them. A trick (that allows you not to delete 100 or more articles) could be importing them in a "parked products" group, and then move out of this (hidden) group just the required products. This "parked products" will be full of garbage, but this is not an issue... I see there're other functions about Thesslstore module, that do exist in the WHMCS version and that are lacking in Blesta's version: existing certificate importing (that allows to specify just thesslstore's order ID#, Blesta's client id#, and import existing certificate creating a service under specified client id#) mass price update renewal report
  8. it's a different way to manage prepaid credit. A common way to manage it in many european countries, respecting VAT laws, is the following: - customer buys 100 of credit; I invoice 100 + 20% VAT, customers pays 120, and has 100 of available prepaid credit - customer buys service A , priced 10 I deduct 10 from his credit, process the order, and (if required by local laws) I issue this invoice: service A 10 prepaid credit: -10 subtotal: 0 VAT 20%: 0 Total: 0 (if local laws do not require a "zero value invoice" to be issued, I can send to the user just a receipt/note/mail message/whatsoever, just to keep note of how his credit was spent) - customer buys service B, priced 110 I deduct all his remaining credit (90), and issue following invoice: service B 110 prepaid credit: -90 subtotal: 20 VAT 20%: 4 Total: 24 So user pays 22, and I go on releasing his service... Cross checking: - the user did two payments: 120 and 24 (total 144) - I issued two invoices: 120 and 24 (total 144) - I released two services, valued 110 and 10: total 120 (and 120 + VAT = 144)
  9. Hello. I see that clients can make payments, referred to no particular invoice, and the related sum is managed by Blesta as "credit", that the user can use to pay invoices. But what about the invoice issuing of these payments? In many countries, a company needs to issue an invoice whenever it receive a payment... even if the payment is no referred to any particular selling operation, and is available for future payments. So, some kind of invoice issuing for this kind of operation should be provided in Blesta (and maybe it's yet somehow possible, but just I have not yet understood how to do it...)
  10. I give myself an answer on my own: the old module and old plugin I was referring to are those available on Github; but it seems that Thesslstore module is now already incorporated in Blesta, and so the module and plugin I was referring to are no longer valid.
  11. I'm evaluating a migration from WHMCS to Blesta (I know, many of ours are doing so...) One of the questions is about the integration of Blesta with Thesslstore. I can see that plugin and module both exist, but were developed years ago, and have not been updated for years. In the meanwhile, a lot of changes happened in the SSL market, so I guess some kind of update would have been necessary. So, the question is: are the existing module and plugin still working fine, or should they need a serious maintenance and upgrade?
  12. I don't know how many systems allow space as valid character for a password... but putting a space at the end of a password may be a bad joke to a collegue, or a way to drive crazy someone we hate...
  13. +1 When will it be possible to move services? I see it's a feature I need almost daily... having to do it working on db-tables or with some workaround... may be a nightmare!
  14. trim() is a must on every user input, not only in search box. Imagine this scenario (reral life experience): - user change his password - he copies and paste it from a password generator, and for mistake gets a space too Result: he locks himself out from the system, because his password is not the one he think, but the one he think plus a space
  15. Hello. I see your questions are not yet been answered... and it's a pity because mostly they're not country-specific to Norway only, but to a large number of UE nations too... So, your questions are also mine. There's another question: is Blesta's invoicing system conforming to UE VAT taxing rules also for individual customers? That's to say: if - suppose - I'm a French service provider, and an individuale from Spanish buy any service from me, i have to bill him spanish VAT instead of french VAT (they're different...) ... and so for every country in UE (Italy, Austria, Germany and so on) I searched this info in available docs, but I didn't found it.
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