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  1. kingdl

    Tcadmin Module?

    ETA on when this will be released?
  2. kingdl

    Tcadmin Module?

    well tbh i was testing it on my windows 10 computer. Im sure it will work on the Centos side. But it was working all good on Windows 10, and btw i wouldnt work to much on the minecraft part of the TCAdmin cause to be fair it does not work at all.
  3. kingdl

    Tcadmin Module?

    Currently Using v2, and I will only selling Steam Games GMOD, CS:GO, TF2. Those are the 3 games that we are going to start. Then we might sell ts3 servers.
  4. kingdl

    Tcadmin Module?

    By any chance do you guys have a TCAdmin module? I started looking around, and in 2013 i saw that you guys was trying to make one. Well 3 years later is there at least a Beta build you know, so i can at least get it goin? And is there a download link anywhere?
  5. So I have one quick question. I'm starting to have customers that are asking if we sell domains as the ip you know. Well I was curious and looking into would i just change the ip under Modules > Multicraft Manager to the sub domain? if not how would i implement this?
  6. Thanks got it.
  7. So i am getting some errors when install blesta on Centos 6. I get the 500 error code went to check into logs and i get this. [sat Jan 23 13:31:55 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:32:11 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:32:37 2016] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/blesta/index [sat Jan 23 13:32:41 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:35:35 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:36:36 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:36:37 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:36:37 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:36:37 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:36:37 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:36:37 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:36:38 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:36:48 2016] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/html/install.php [sat Jan 23 13:36:54 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:39:59 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:40:04 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:44:30 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:46:52 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup [sat Jan 23 13:47:45 2016] [error] [client] No user or group set - set suPHP_UserGroup
  8. Well of course i accept it, I just only have paypal so they enter in there email and password, and if payment goes threw then they get the server. But i need help on the multicraft update thing.
  9. Thats the thing..Minecraft is kinda a kid game. It ranges from ages from ages, but most of them are younger kids scared to give out information..they just think that to this day there are so many hackers in the world, but in reality its just them downloading Trajan viruses LOL! And uh pdt's..Remember I new to blesta and never have updated anything.
  10. I know that this is the wrong page to ask this, but when someone goes to register an account when purchasing a mc server they get a bit scared how they need to inter all there information Street Address Phone Number Business name, and so on. Is there anyway I could just change the text entry of the Register Forum?
  11. Alright, but how can i update my module to this new one? I dont see a download link or anything, ive never updated anything.
  12. Hi, So im starting to setup Dedicated IP, and a Dedicated IP for minecraft is when you get the port 25565 and nothing else. Well I think that Blesta's thought of dedicated ip is different unless Im wrong. So how would i be able to make a Option Group under packages so when they click the checkbox Dedicated IP then they get the :25565 port instead of any other port.
  13. Yea, nvm about this its not an issue with blesta multicraft stuff.
  14. BungeeCord is just like a minecraft server its a .jar file. MultiCraft can run this and all, and yes it is a proxy thing, but if I assign the BungeeCord to be Port 25565 BungeeCord would listen on a different Port like 25575. Get what I mean, the ports wont line up..
  15. kingdl

    Blesta And Currencies

    Yea i was noticing that it would auto change and some prices were more than some of the cheaper packages. So i manually set it all up, and it went smoothly. Thanks for the help.
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