Thanks for quick reply Paul,
On the last step when user about to pay if anything went wrong with the payment and user refresh page few times. It just keeps creating orders, services, invoices and transection .
For instance, user went to all the steps -> select service, fill out user information after user information is submitted successfully. Order form will redirect to payment form where user select a payment method and enter payment information.
If anything went wrong with the payment it will still create service and if user refresh it again create another service. And if user refresh again then it will redirect to first step.
I can clear the item or put service to pending or cancel it But the issue is now I have random data in my database which I cann't get rid of and its taking up space. Order, service, invoice and transaction tables have random data.
One of the solution could be authorization check before Blesta generates service for user user can create with order form with login. Let me know what you think about this.
Thanks in advance