"So you have the .mmdb file in the right location, and the database shows that geoip_enabled is true and the settings page for GeoIP at ~/admin/settings/system/general/geoip/ still throws an error?"
The database was showing that GeoIP was enabled and I disabled it. Disabling it fixed the issue with the error when viewing the clients but did not fix the issue with accessing the GeoIP settings page .
"Check if GeoIP is actually working. Go to a client's profile page, hover over their IP address on the left next to "Last seen". Does it show their location in the a tooltip?"
The tooltip only shows their last activity not location.
"Are there any other errors written to the log file ../logs_blesta/ (full path defined under Settings > System > General) when you reload the GeoIP settings page?"
In logs_blesta this is generated when accessing the GeoIP settings page:
general.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Error: "Call to undefined function Blesta\Core\Util\GeoIp\geoip_open()" at /home/account/public_html/clients/core/Util/GeoIp/GeoIp.php line 38 {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Call to undefined function Blesta\\Core\\Util\\GeoIp\\geoip_open() at /home/account/public_html/clients/core/Util/GeoIp/GeoIp.php:38)"}