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  1. Hi guys, I'm trying to build a custom merchant payment gateway with custom CC form (so I can inject custom js from the merchant page to handle 3DS stuff) seems like blesta doesn't pass information about the card to the buildCcForm function thus it is unable to pre-fill the data when client want to edit the card (using custom form) is there a better way to be able to grab that particular card data to prefill the custom form? right now my solution was to edit a few stuffs in: (passing $vars to the function) /components/gateway_payments/gateway_payments.php :: public function getBuildCcForm($currency, $vars = null) { $html = ''; $gateway = $this->GatewayManager->getInstalledMerchant($this->company_id, $currency); $errors = null; if ($gateway) { // Initialize the gateway $gateway_obj = $this->initGateway($gateway, $currency); if ($gateway_obj instanceof MerchantCcForm) { //Check how if buildCCForm function accept parameter or not $method = new ReflectionMethod($gateway_obj, 'buildCCForm'); $numParam = $method->getNumberOfParameters(); //Pass param $vars to the function if it accept parameter $html = $numParam ? $gateway_obj->buildCcForm($vars) : $gateway_obj->buildCcForm(); $errors = $gateway_obj->errors(); } } if ($errors) { $this->Input->setErrors($errors); } return $html; } /app/models/payment.php :: public function getBuildCcForm($currency, $vars = null) { $result = $this->GatewayPayments->getBuildCcForm($currency, $vars); ... /plugins/order/controllers/checkout.php :: private function setCcView(stdClass $vars, $edit = false, $save_account = false) { $this->uses(['Payments']); // Fetch the cc form to be used with this company and currency $gateway_form = $this->Payments->getBuildCcForm(isset($this->client) ? $this->client->settings['default_currency'] : null , $vars ); ... /app/controllers/client_pay.php :: private function setCcView(stdClass $vars, $edit = false, $save_account = false) { $this->uses(['Payments']); // Fetch the cc form to be used with this company and currency $gateway_form = $this->Payments->getBuildCcForm($this->client->settings['default_currency'], $vars); ... /app/controllers/client_account.php :: private function getCcView(stdClass $vars, $edit = false, $save_account = false) { $this->uses(['Payments']); // Fetch the cc form to be used with this company and currency $gateway_form = $this->Payments->getBuildCcForm($this->client->settings['default_currency'], $vars); ... /app/controllers/admin_clients.php :: private function setCcView(stdClass $vars, stdClass $client, $edit = false, $save_account = false) { $this->uses(['Payments']); // Fetch the cc form to be used with this company and currency $gateway_form = $this->Payments->getBuildCcForm($client->settings['default_currency'], $vars); and then on the custom Gateway can pass the vars to the View CustomGateway :: public function buildCcForm($vars = null) { // Load the view into this object, so helpers can be automatically added to the view $this->view = $this->makeView('cc_form', 'default', str_replace(ROOTWEBDIR, '', dirname(__FILE__) . DS)); // Load the helpers required for this view Loader::loadHelpers($this, ['Form', 'Html']); $this->view->set('meta', $this->meta); $this->view->set('vars', $vars); return $this->view->fetch(); }
  2. There's a problem using this plugin on a fresh install blesta-4.0.1 The navigator links will disappear after loading the admin page. basically the link is still there, but un-clickable since there is no content inside the anchor form (the 'Live Chat' text is missing) the original source shows that the link exist, but using firebug viewing the live DOM source, shows the text has gone missing thus causing the top navigator bar to the site_admin missing
  3. I see, so blesta took care of the conversion. But is there any reason not to change the table column type into TIMESTAMP instead of DATETIME (for those transactional type date), and then also open the PDO connection with SET time_zone to UTC query; this way, the functionality of the date record stays the same, but it'll make easier for database admin to view the data without requiring the date conversion.
  4. Hello, I'm not sure whether this is working as designed or something else. I noticed that the value of datetime field in the database are all in UTC thus causing whenever I do direct analysis to the database from external application, the time values are shifted. e.g. currently both my php and database timezones are set in: UTC+0700, and now is: [2016-04-16 13:00:00], but whenever I add someting (client or notes), the value in the database for date_added became [2016-04-16 06:00:00]
  5. Actually, let me rephrase. We do sometimes have clients who want to separate their sub-domain hosting into different hosting account (e.g to split the quota usage, etc) Lets say that that client own example.com, then want to purchase new hosting account for the subdomain sub1.example.com if the client doesn't have any subdomain/dns setup for sub1 under example.com account, the auto provision will run without problem, but if the dns record already set under the base domain, then it will fail to provision sub1.example.com What we need is some kind of notification when the client about to order new hosting account which the auto provision might fail (due to dns entry already exists), so at least the client knows and can do removal for such entry before proceeding in ordering new account.
  6. Please add checking for existing domain in the validate domain for cpanel module. since if the client (or different client) inputed the same domain.tld for the cpanel registration, and then paid for it, one of the registered domain will get stuck in the pending status (cpanel will throw error domain already exist)
  7. Hi, whenever an admin tick the select all, and submit services for scheduled cancelation, blesta will throw error Oh noes!Trying to get property of non-object on line 2114 in {BLESTA}/app/models/services.php Seems like the service_id includes a non-numeric data (from the select all tickbox) POST DATA: _csrf_token:.... service_ids[]:all service_ids[]:38 date:2015-10-31 action_type:term action:schedule_cancellation I did a quick hack in the /app/controllers/admin_client.php (around line 314), and seems like the problem goes away private function updateServices($client, array $data) { ... foreach ($data['service_ids'] as $service_id) { // ignore non numeric service_id <'all'> if (!is_numeric($service_id)) continue; if ($data['action_type'] == "none") { $this->Services->unCancel($service_id); } else { $this->Services->cancel($service_id, $vars); } $success = true; } ... }
  8. eldzee

    Processing Payment

    May I ask about what's the point of the success function from https://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Non-merchant+Gateway+Methods#Non-merchantGatewayMethods-success%28array$get,array$post%29 from what I see the codes are similar to the validate function unless the documentation a bit outdated, shouldn't it do something else like setting the view (for thank you message, etc...) rather than having the same function?
  9. eldzee

    Processing Payment

    Nevermind... I tried called the callback url and it worked, the transaction got recorded so basically the return_url doesn't do anything?
  10. eldzee

    Processing Payment

    Hi, I got question about payment process for the non-merchant gateway my transaction doesn't get recorded into the system after I call the callback/return url basically my validate/success function is as: (using get method to test) public function success(array $get, array $post) { $client_id = $this->ifSet($get['cid']); $return = array( 'client_id' => $client_id, 'amount' => $this->ifSet($get['amount']), 'currency' => $this->ifSet($get['currency']), 'invoices' => $this->unserializeInvoices($this->ifSet($get['inv'])), 'status' => "approved", 'transaction_id' => $this->ifSet($get['txid']), 'parent_transaction_id' => $this->ifSet($get['txid']) ); return $return; } and I called the return/callback url with the param: ?currency=IDR&cid=3&txid=1234&amount=1000.000&inv=32=1000.0000 But the invoices doesn't get credited, it still have outstanding payment of 1000 and I don't see any transaction being recorded Is there any functions to record the payment transaction that I missed?
  11. Hello, I'm trying to create a custom non-merchant payment gateway which can accept multiple payment method, and I would like to control which payment method it uses. I created a form which pass an array value of the payment method, but upon passing it to the error checking, I always get Undefined index: value on line 820 in {BLESTA}/components/record/record.php it only occurs when the error checking passes (true value) metas: Array ( [merchant_id] => mercID [server_key] => servKey [client_key] => clientKey [acceptable_payment_type] => Array ( [0] => cc [1] => transfer ) [currencies] => Array ( [0] => IDR ) ) and this causes the error message: (whenever the value is true) $rules = array( 'acceptable_payment_type' => array( 'valid' => array( 'rule' => true, 'message' => "Payment type invalid" ) ) ); settings.pdt: <?php foreach($acceptablePayment as $ap) { print "<li>"; $this->Form->fieldCheckbox("acceptable_payment_type[]", $ap, true, array('id'=>"acceptable_payment_type[]")); print $this->_("test.payment_type_".$ap, true); print "</li>"; } ?>
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