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  1. Hi, I am looking at returning to using Blesta, it has been some years since I last used it, can you please tell me if this module is still functional with the latest version of Blesta?
  2. Hi, I am looking to return to using Blesta having spent some years away, is this logicboxes module still functional with the latest version of Blesta?
  3. I realise you can change the portal title which I have done, but for example if you click through to to support the page the title is My Account. If a non customer (not logged in) raises a ticket using contact form it would look more professional if the title were 'support' etc. The same applies to other portal pages, most read 'my account' when it's not really appropriate.
  4. Is there any way of changing the individual page titles for the different pages of the client portal, without breaking anything? For example the default title for the support manager appears to be 'my account', but I would like to change this to something more suitable eg support centre.
  5. Thanks for your help as always Mike.
  6. No problems to report as yet! Have you considering adding DNS management or email forwarding options to the module? I know this is a common request for most registrar modules but with Namesilo I think this would work particularly well if it can be facilitated.
  7. I'm just wondering if there are a set number of database privileges required for general/day-to-day usage (i.e. post Blesta installation), i.e. should certain settings be disabled for added security following installation? I know from using a competitor product previously that this is a recommendation, so I wondered whether the same applies to Blesta?
  8. I have tried this setup, but it just is not working for me in Blesta 3.6.0 Whilst this does add the option on the order form, the information (i.e. domain privacy is not being switched on) is just not being sent to the test logicbox account I have set up along with the domain order. Any ideas?
  9. I am seeking some general ideas or feedback here as I'm a bit stuck as to how to move forwards with my Blesta site development, which is intended mostly for Domain name registration. I have a portfolio of Domains with a Logicbox provider and previously used a (heavily modified) 'competitors' billing system for Domain management, that is until security issues became more and more of an issue, and so I switched to Blesta and so far have not really yet looked back. For the first time in a while, I feel like I am in control of my own billing system. But here lies the problem. Via my previous site, customers may manage their nameserver/DNS/forwarding/email settings/switch Privacy on/off themselves (although a multitude of paid mods were required to actually achieve this, which resulted in further issues), however as we all know in Blesta, other than updating WHOIS/basic nameserver settings there is not much else the customer can do personally without seeking support to facilitate their requests. So my options are really: 1) Provide customers with say, an optional link to the Logicbox customer control panel to enable them to make any DNS/email changes etc (not particularly keen on sending clients 'off-site' so to speak) 2) Offer basic settings only provided by the registrar modules in Blesta, and have the customer contact us to make any advanced changes, for example by way of raising a support ticket to set up email forwarding etc (not particularly keen on having customers jump through hoops to make, what is largely, basic settings changes). What would you do? As I say, this isn't a criticism of Blesta, just looking for best workaround for Domain Management, for what is ultimately, on the whole, a superior billing system.
  10. THIS. Works like a charm now, will continue to do more testing and will get back to you if I have any further problems. Thanks again.
  11. Hi, can you please advise as to what the best approach is for adding a registered Namesilo account through the admin backend? I have completed all the basics i.e. acquired an API key from Namesilo etc, Just not sure how to link the two up, so as to pull in my registered domains from Namesilo. I would like to complete these steps for testing purposes obviously. Thanks in advance.
  12. I see, so is it safe to simply delete the default logicboxes folder and upload the reloaded folder in its place without affecting any current domains in place on my site i.e those reliant on the logicboxes module?
  13. Not sure what I am doing wrong, followed the instructions below and cannot see the 'update' option at step 3. Any ideas? 1- Download the module file FROM GITHUB 2- upload the Logicboxes Directory to Compenents/modules 3- Go to settings/modules/ update logicboxes module 4- You Are Done , ENJOY .
  14. I see, thanks for that Mike. I have already installed the Blesta Logicbox module, is it necessary to uninstall that first? Just don't want to mess with the database in any way.
  15. Thanks for that! Is there anyway to upload this with it affecting the default logicboxes module?
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