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Everything posted by Jason

  1. Thanks Licensecart and Paul. I didn't realize the extra part of the tag was actually formatting info. I used the tag as you listed it and the email sends out the correct decimal points now. I appreciate your help and your patience!!!!!
  2. I am currently using the tag {transaction.amount} for the emails. If I knew where that tag was generated I could use something like "number_format" to change it to only 2 decimal places, but unfortunately I don't know which file that data is generated from. Thanks, --Jason
  3. Thanks for the replies. I still haven't found a solution, but it looks like it may be a bug in Blesta (per blazedd's link). Thanks again, --Jason
  4. I can't seem to keep Blesta from using four decimal places in the "Email Template Payment Received (Non-Merchant)" email. Right now if a person pays $25.00 it will send the email with four decimals so it looks like this $25.0000. I want it to only show two decimal places. Under currency I have the precision set to 2, but for this it shows 4 decimal places. I am sure it is an easy fix with PHP, but I don't know where this particular number is pulled from. Any help you can provide would be appreciated, --Jason
  5. Ok. Thanks. You have been so helpful and so thorough with your responses. It is very much appreciated! --Jason
  6. Thanks for the help Tyson. That info is super helpful. I think it would work better if I could actually adjust renewal dates so that they only hit weekdays, but as a close second, shutting off the cron seems like a really good option. One question about that though. If I block the entire "private function createRenewingServiceInvoices() {" from running will that skip the renewals entirely, or simply postpone them? So if it skips Saturday's invoices, will it automatically pick those up on Monday, or will it not process those invoices since the cron didn't catch them on Saturday? I added a simple code that just checks to see if it is the weekend, and if it is, it manually set the output to "" and skips the entire function. So my code looks something like this: private function createRenewingServiceInvoices() { if (date('N') >= 6) { $output = ""; } else { ........ Normal cron stuff skipped ........ } return $output; } Can you see any reason this would cause errors (e.g. are there required variables within the cron section I am skipping that would be needed to complete the other elements of the cron)? --Jason
  7. Is there a way to delay the sending of renewal invoices on weekends? That way my clients only receive their invoices on weekdays. I know it is a long shot, but I am hoping there is a simple way to stop Blesta from sending/renewing on weekends. E.g. If today = a weekend, stop the process. Of course, every 5 minute,s or whatever the cron is set to, the system will be blocked, but once Monday hits, the system would work through the backlog and process the renewals like normal. I have a small client base, so I don't necessarily need to worry about the backlog breaking my system, but I would love to find a way to block the system from sending renewals on weekends. A better method might be to actually adjust the renewal date itself instead of blocking the emails. If there was a way to add an additional check when the system sets the next renewal date, that would probably work as well. The additional check could calculate if the renewal falls on a weekend and then automatically schedule the next renewal to be on the closest weekday in the future. E.g. If next renewal date = a weekend, set renewal ahead to Monday. Any idea on how I could do this? Or at least could you point me in the right direction to find the files that handle these functions in Blesta? Thanks so much for your help! --Jason
  8. Awesome! That was exactly what I needed. I was able to get it working I am very grateful for your assistance!!! --Jason
  9. Thanks. That is definitely along the lines of what I am looking for, but I was hoping I could call in the data within the template file itself instead of editing the module. I would think that the data from the service/package could be displayed via the templating system, but what I can't figure out is the correct syntax to use. Something like ... if this service field isn't empty, display label and field data. I am just not sure how to put that into the correct syntax. Something like this <?php if ( $this->Html->_($service->FieldIwantToDisplay) !=false) { $variable = $this->Html->_($service->FieldIwantToDisplay); echo "My Label Name <br />" . $variable; } ?>
  10. Is there a way to display additional information to the client when they click "manage" next to a service? I have set up a product via the Universal Module. Everything works fine on the administrators side, but if a client clicks "manage' next to the service they only see the first "service option" listed in the universal module (it displays under "label"). Is there a way to display more than the first service option. They don't need to be able to edit or change anything, I just want to display the information to them. On the administrators side if I click "manage" for the service it displays the additional service option and I can edit it just fine. The only issue is that the client doesn't see the additional service option for the product. If I am not mistaken the file that controls the display is client_services_service_infobox.pdt, but I am not sure how to go about displaying the additional service option. If anyone on here can point me in the right direction, it would be appreciated. Thanks, --Jason
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