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Jason last won the day on July 8 2021

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  1. I am a web designer and I host many of my client's website. I am using Namesilo as registrar and Blesta domain manager for the domains. I set a renewal date in Blesta, that may or may not align with the actual renewal date in Namesilo. These are longer term clients, so I set the domains to auto-renew in Namesilo so we don't lose the domain if a client forgets to pay. This has worked fine for years. However, recently (I assume after my latest upgrade of Blesta), it no longer sends out invoice for the domains. As an example ... I have a domain "sampledomain.com." The namesilo renewal date is 11/1/2023. The renewal date in Blesta is 11/15/23. It will send out upcoming renewal notices, etc, just fine. But after 11/1/23, once it is has renewed at Namesilo, it won't send out an invoice to the client, because it sees the domain is no longer expiring. How do I get Blesta to still send an invoice each year, even if the domain is already renewed in Namesilo? I want blesta to bill based on the renewal date I set, regardless of what the actual renewal date is. And I want Namesilo to renew regardless of whether or not the person pays in Blesta. This has worked for years, why has it stopped working?? Thanks, --Jason
  2. I can't figure out what is going on. I have multiple servers and manage them via the cPanel module. Adding a new service works perfectly on all of them except one. And on this one server it connects and adds the account, but instead of showing a "success" notice and the blesta admin page, it delivers a 404 error. Services can be removed and managed fine on this server via the blesta admin. So it has a good connection and can edit the server accounts, but if I add a new service, on this specific server, it will pump out a 404 error even though it still adds the new cpanel account to the server. It is almost like it sends the command to the server to create the account and is waiting to hear back, but doesn't. So it stalls out and dies to a 404 page. For any of the other servers it works fine, the error is limited to one server. Any suggestions? --Jason P.S. Tried upgrading to new version of Blesta and that didn't fix the issue.
  3. Admin delete .... added it to the wrong forum.
  4. I really appreciate your help! Glad it turned out to be a simple fix ?
  5. I think I may have found the issue. My hosting provider, in trying to diagnose another problem in Blesta, had turned on debugging. I turned it off and did a test run and I think it is working correctly now. Not sure why turning on debugging would stop the payment process from working, but I think that was the issue. Appreciate your help!!
  6. Thanks. I am using Stripe Payments (not a migration from the previous Stripe version). Version of Blesta is 5.2.2, I believe I upgraded from 5.1.x. Errors occur with existing accounts. It may happen with new accounts too, but it is happening on accounts that have paid via stripe in the past. I am unaware of any changes with the PHP 7.4 settings (although it is possible that something was adjusted - e.g. I am on a managed VPS). --Jason
  7. Customers are getting an error message when paying through Stripe. I only started having this issue after upgrading to Blesta 5.2.2. Not sure that has anything to do with it, but I did upgrade recently. The error log says, ""array_key_exists(): Using array_key_exists() on objects is deprecated. Use isset() or property_exists() instead";}" Anyone else having this issue?
  8. This is super helpful! Thanks for the info.
  9. Just in case anyone ever runs into this type of issue and is looking for a solution. The problem ended up being an issue on Namesilo's side which they have fixed. We were able to figure out the issue by determining that: 1. The domains at the old registrar could indeed be transferred by manually transferring one of them into Namesilo. Thus eliminating the issue of the old registrar not releasing the domain. 2. We sent a properly formatted API call via SSH to Namesilo bypassing Blesta. We grabbed the error code/issue from the Namesilo API response. 3. The response was basically saying we had already started the transfer when we had not. So we contacted Namesilo's support and they were able to fix the issue on their end. Thanks to @knownhost for their help on the server side narrowing down what the error code actually meant (FYI, having the actual error code/description listed in the Blesta admin side would have saved a lot of time with diagnosing this issue) and thanks to @namesilo for their help fixing the API issue.
  10. I was using 5.1 but I upgraded to 5.2 today to try and see if that would fix it, but unfortunately I am still getting the same error. Is there a log file that will tell me "why" it isn't registering the domain name? For example, what the response from the API is? Or can I capture what it is sending to the API to try and diagnose what the error is? NameSilo offered to look at the API call, but I don't know what Blesta is sending them, so they can't diagnose it on their end.
  11. All of a sudden, I can no longer transfer in a domain name in Blesta. I add the domain transfer info like normal and now it is giving me the message, "This domain cannot be transferred at this time." I can transfer a domain directly from Namesilo. Once a domain is registered, I can add it in Blesta as long as I don't select "use Module" when adding it. Once the domain is added, I can interact with Namesilo inside of Blesta to adjust the WHOIS, etc. I just simply can't register it. In other words, the API is connecting fine to adjust domains, but I am unable to transfer/register them. There is no hint why it won't register and it is happening on more than one domain name. Is there a way to track down a reason "Why" a domain can't be transferred? I have been using the NameSilo module since before there was a domain manager, so this issue is new and I have no idea why it is happening. Any help would be greatly appreciated, Thanks, Jason
  12. Jason

    Domain Renewal Date

    I am using the Domain Manager and NameSilo. Is there a way to set the domain name renewal date in Blesta to bill it at the same time as a hosting package, but have it renew the domain name with NameSilo even if the domain name doesn't technically renew till a later date? Thanks, --Jason
  13. I was using the Namesilo domain plugin and just upgraded to the newest version of Blesta with domain manager. When I go to add a new service to a user it is displaying three .org, .com and .net options. I can't find any way to remove the "extra" packages. In the Domain packages section it only shows the three main TLDs. How do I eliminate the extras/duplicates? Screenshot attached so you can see what I am talking about.
  14. Just in case anyone down the road runs into the same issue ... I never really found a solution to this issue. I did get NameSilo working by not including a payment ID and instead have it default to using account funds deposited with NameSilo. I think there must be a bug either in the module or the API that isn't parsing or sending/matching the payment account ID correctly, but at least it allows me to put in orders now.
  15. OK. Glad I am not the only one that is struggling to find a solution to this. For now it looks like I will have to set up free domains manually using an internal coupon. Kind of defeats the point of an automated billing system, but at least I can set the domain name cost to $0 so that it doesn't bill the client. It just means I will have to manually onboard bundled accounts (which in my situation isn't too terrible since I am working one-on-one with most of my clients anyways). Looking forward to seeing this option become available in Blesta.
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