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Everything posted by dyna56

  1. Make the changes and it didn't work. Disable the firewall and it didn't work either Any other suggestions?
  2. What would be the required ports? What would be the required ports?
  3. Hello! Sorry for my English, I speak Spanish! I have the same problem, is there a solution?
  4. It runs on the latest version of blesta?
  5. Thank you! No problem just tell me as I make the translation? Excuse my English I speak Spanish
  6. I understand, I will help with the translation. Really great support! Thank you so much
  7. As I perform the complete translation of the missing fields?
  8. Excuse my English. It seems to be my setup, and fix it, look at it again! exact Pro-Rota
  9. Gracias por su pronta respuesta.
  10. http://www.dynasitehost.com/blesta
  11. Hello! excuse my English, I speak Spanish. I'm having trouble creating packages, not that I'm doing wrong, I use cpanel module for creating the packages, I do not aperecen the portal packets if I put on orders form the standard template, if I use the template ajax boxes show me the package but does not allow me to continue, someone could tell me I'm doing more? attached images Best regards
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