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  1. Disregard! I figured it out!
  2. THANK YOU!!! One last question... I'm attempting to get the client autodebit settings from the API and I'm using the getSetting($client_id, $key) method. It seems to be returning all the settings including those that are inherited. I would expect that it would return the value for autodebit only if I'm passing that in as the $key parameter. Is this not the case? Thanks again for the great support! I love Blesta and I am disappointed that I am forced to migrate away to a less user friendly platform...
  3. Unfortunately I tried very hard to keep Blesta in our system. Unfortunately I don't have a say. Furthermore we continue to pay for licensing so why am I not untitled to support?
  4. That's what we're going to do. Another question...where in the API can I get a list of credits that a client may have on their account?
  5. We're trying to migrate to a different system and we were trying to keep user logins the same...
  6. I've written API code to access user login info BUT I'm dire need of using the system hash to decrypt the user password to plaintext. Is there an API call that can be used to pass in the encrypted client password and our system has and return plaintext? I'm making my call like this... $client_login_password = exec("php index.php api/encryption/systemDecrypt.json -u api_user -k XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX -m GET -p \"value=" . $client_login_password . "\"");
  7. Workaround.... I modified the admin_clients.php file and made the following change to display custom fields for client group ID 1: //$custom_fields = $this->Clients->getCustomFields($this->company_id, $client->client_group_id); $custom_fields = $this->Clients->getCustomFields($this->company_id, 1);
  8. OK...I found my problem. When I created the custom fields I only selected the client group general. Is there not a way to allow all groups to share the same custom field? In other words, do I have to created a custom field for each group even though it will have the same name (i.e Install Address)?
  9. We added three custom fields and when editing an existing customer those fields do not show up to be edited. Am I missing somehting?
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