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Everything posted by pcfacility

  1. Thank's ! It's working. Changing the s:14 to s:21 did the trick.
  2. You're doing a great job Blesta Addons ! Thank you for your answers. I will take a look I'm just sad that blesta have somes untranslatable parts. I know the code is open and it's a good things but we're missing many important parts... Maybe Blesta is created for US/English people ? I will take a look for future release. Hope that will change !
  3. It seems to be a great plugin but i just want to translate the top menu navigation for the moment. Without this plugin we can't edit somes languages parts of blesta ?
  4. Hello ! I've tried to translate the top menu navigation bar into french. I've made changes with phpmyadmin into "plugin_navigation" but the link disappear. Ex : a:1:{s:3:"sub";a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:3:"uri";s:38:"plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/";s:4:"name";s:7:"Tickets";}i:1;a:2:{s:3:"uri";s:37:"plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/";s:4:"name";s:14:"Knowledge Base";}}} Trad : a:1:{s:3:"sub";a:2:{i:0;a:2:{s:3:"uri";s:38:"plugin/support_manager/client_tickets/";s:4:"name";s:7:"Tickets";}i:1;a:2:{s:3:"uri";s:37:"plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/";s:4:"name";s:14:"Base de connaissances";}}} I've already search into the forum but can't find a real explanation. Blesta is a great product but i think it's really hard to translate even if translate.blesta.com is there. To many language files into many directories... Why not use the DB and a plugin who can help us to translate and share the traduction (like a link with translate.blesta.com) ? Hope you can help me
  5. Hello, Thank you Ken An option to resend a new email will be great because sometimes we need to create the mail manually...
  6. Thank you PauloV Nice plugins and fast reply... you rock
  7. Hello, I can't change the language in the frontend. The customer account is setup to french language, in the livechat configuration all are setup in fr_Fr. The frontend stay in english. Thank you for this update !
  8. Hello, Be careful with this update. You will lose all settings you have set. It's like a reset. Thanks for this update
  9. Hello Blesta Community ! We want to display a domain form on our website. We already have a working domain form but only when csrf is disable. For security we want to keep csrf_token "true". Did you have a idea on how to get the csrf token from blesta and add it to the domain form on the website ?
  10. Hello, Thank you ! If we find a bug i will let you know On which version of livehelperchat this plugin is based ?
  11. I find why The php file was encoded with ANSI. Now i have encoded with UTF8, it's working fine. Thank's CubicWebs
  12. Hello, I have a small problem with the price displayed by the api in € for ex : €4.99EUR The "€" is the problem. Also, how to add a space between the 4.99 end the € like 4.99 EUR? Thank you
  13. Hello, I have the same error with blesta beta 2 (fresh install) and whmcs 5.2.15.
  14. Hello, Any idea ?
  15. pcfacility

    Logicbox Error

    Hello, I have setup the api and the logicbox module (for Resellerclub) in blesta. Now when a customer want to ship a domain name we have the error: The ip are on the whitelist in resellerclub manager, the secret key is ok and the error appear at the end when you click on submit command.
  16. Hello blesta community ! A roadmap of the blesta devellopent will be great. what do you think ?
  17. Hello, How can i export the invoice, transactions and services from my old blesta 3 to the fresh install ? And link them to my customers ?
  18. After importing client with from whmcs, all new account get the id15 (we use the version b7 of the importer) Edit : We run the importer from a fresh install of blesta 3.0.5
  19. Hello, Today we are facing the same issue. New customers get the id 15. whmcs 5.2.x -> blesta 3 How we can resolve this problem?
  20. Great idea ! +1
  21. Hello, But how can i put this information in the email client ? Can i put something like : {contact.first_name} {contact.last_name} {company.name} {client_url} {username} {password} In the new email from the client screen ?
  22. Hello, I think it will be good to have an option like in whmcs where we can send many type of mail like account creation module, domain creation, password... http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/1476-resend-mail-like-cpanel-account-creation/
  23. Hello, After many discussion, we will stay for the moment with blesta (like i say, i love blesta ). We don't have the log mail because the converter from whmcs - > blesta has failed. If we have to resend email manually... it's not possible. I have read some thread about the problem but it's very urgent to have a more easier order form (more than any new module i think). ps: 101% agree, whmcs is real nightmare!
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