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Everything posted by ty0716
I use this plugins :plugin/support_managerpro. and i see this database table include a field:service_id. Is this field used to save the service related to the ticket like whmcs? Does this plugin have a selection of related services when user open ticket? If not,Can I use this field to save related services ID?
Then can i use API to get session?
$response = $api->get or $response = $api->post all try. Internal error: Failed to retrieve the default valuestdClass Object ( [error] => stdClass Object ( [message] => An unexpected error occured. [response] => Internal error: Failed to retrieve the default value ) ) <?php session_start(); require_once "api/blesta_api.php"; $user = "wechat"; $key = "79aae**************cff42c66"; $url = "http://a.zy62.com/api/"; $api = new BlestaApi($url, $user, $key); $data = array( 'Session' =>session_id(), 'vars' => array( 'username' => "test", 'password' => "test", 'remember_me' => "true", 'ip_address' => "" ) ); $response = $api->get("Users", "login", $data); //$response = $api->get("users", "get", array('user_id' => 1)); print_r($response->response()); print_r($response->errors()); //print_r($api->lastRequest()); ?>
WHy i add support show this error .What does support_ticketspro mean for the name field of the database? I had add a custom field to the table "support_ticketspro" :service. Use for record this ticket's service.
THS.Solved, public function getActions() { return array( array( 'action' => "nav_primary_client", // The action to tie into 'uri' => "plugin/my_plugin/client_main/index/", // The URI to fetch when the action is needed 'name' => "Foo Bar", // The name used by Blesta to display for the action (e.g. The name of the link), 'options' => null // Options required for this action if any (e.g. array('key' => "value")) ) ); } http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Plugin+Actions
I want to add the plugin's management functions to the menu bar. What should I do?THS.
API can get user information, but I need to determine the user name and password is correct to continue. Because it is in another separate page,i don't know this user's infomation,in this page have a login box,when this user login, I need to check is correct and return this count's information. How to do this?
For example,Blesta installed in http://www.domain.com, if true ,then return this user's information。 Is there any way to achieve this?thanks
for example, I want to use language\en_us\client_services.php in "http://domain.com/client/plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets/reply/2/" How to do this?
I want to get all services list in once sql query. and i see the docs in http://source-docs.blesta.com/class-Services.html getList( integer $client_id = null, string $status = "active", integer $page = 1, array $order_by = array('date_added'=>"DESC"), boolean $children = true ) whether this only can query a status in a function use? $status = "active".
http://domain.com/client/plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets/add/{num} and http://domain.com/client/plugin/support_managerpro/client_tickets
I want to customize the title of the web page should be how to do? Where specify the value of $page_title?
public function add() { if($department->id==2){ $this->partial("client_tickets_addtest"); } why still show default template file ?
System default is to use controller.function.pdt file as template file. But i want to use a other name's file。 for example: http://domain.com/client/main/edit will use views/default/client_main_edit.pdt . How to use a other name's file .eg: client_main_edit1.pdt or client_main_edit2.pdt
If i want to create a simple page view. Not need to show the "structure.pdt". How to do this? Another question is: $rs=$this->Record->select()->from("Clients"); Why above code show error:Undefined property: Main::$Record on if i want to get some get request value .for example : http://domain.com/clients/main/activity/month/7 How to get the value of month?
And which constant or variable use for echo current website domain?
I need to do: when user access our website directly to redirect dashboard pages. So.which controller function use for show website index page? Then i can check this visitor whether or not login。To redirect "http://domain//client/". I can edit theme file: 'structure.pdt' to this. but this not a good way. <?php if($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']=='/'){header('Location: http://blesta.domain.com/client/');}?> And which constant or variable use for echo current website domain?
I want to add a public function in controller to dispose some ajax request.So,this needn't to display template. Please look this screenshot ,This will show ‘Files does not exist’. how to deal with this? Unless to use plugin. Possible expression is not clear.I'm sure you can understand me. /app/controllers/client_main.php public function avatar(){ echo 'test'; } /** * Client Profile */ public function index() { if ($this->hasPermission("client_invoices")) { // Get all client currencies that there may be amounts due in $currencies = $this->Invoices->invoicedCurrencies($this->client->id); // Set a message for all currencies that have an amount due $amount_due_message = null; $max_due = 0; $max_due_currency = null;
for example ,I add a new customfields :avatar. This use to save user's avatar url. But this value save where? and how to query this like User model.
I want to change index page content, and i find this content in "/plugins/cms/config/cms.php", I already change the <div class="col-md-6 col-sm-6 portal-box"> <a href="{client_url}login/"> <div class="well"> <i class="fa fa-cogs fa-4x"></i> <h4>My Account</h4> <p>Have an account with us? Log in here to manage your account.</p> </div> </a> </div> col-md-4 →→→ col-md-6 but the index page already display ‘col-md-4’, the cache is cleared. Or this have other way to change this default index page content?
I want to add a users table field, for example. I need to separate the user avatar. A database ,table for users add a field avatar. This value will be a url string. And i want to this can Can use model user query。
Settled! Because the php ini had disabled scan() function.