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André P.

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  1. Hi, I need to get this value inside the SolusVM context. Any idea how to do it? I do it with a MySQL call right now, but that can only be a workaround. Thank you! :-) André
  2. Yes, it is. Edit: I just wonder because in most (all?) other forms it works just fine. Like pricing for packages.
  3. When recording a payment I cannot use "X,XX" as amount: Amount must be a number. Just a very tiny bug I never found time to report. :-) André
  4. Ahh, thank you! This was driving me crazy. Sounds reasonable. Can be closed, then.
  5. Hi, I am using latest Blesta and cannot see package options where one time fee is set. It doesn't work for any order form I tried. Is this reproducible? :/ André
  6. I don't want to change it, I want to pass it as value to my API. Like "https://something/api?action=add&id=clients_id_value. The universal module does post the client_id to the API but not the clients.id_value. So far I use the Blesta PHP API to get the clients.id_value by client_id. I just wonder if there is a better way to do this. Thanks! I use a RegEx now + check for availability with JQuery in a custom order form template. I was talking about msgs like "Cannot add XY: Item exists". But that's not a problem at all... I thought about a label or something, but it is not really necessary either.
  7. Hi folks, First of all: Thanks for the great idea of a universal module. Everything works as intended. :-) 1. Pass id_value to API Is it possible to pass this value to the API? So far I work it around by using the Blesta API inside my API to get the value by client_id. That's an apiception I would like to avoid. 2. Check if field is domain I created a field "domain" inside my module. I see I can have it checked for "isEmpty" and "isUrl", but I need a way to check if it is a domain. I can write a function to check it, but I don't know where to place the check (I am not good at objective coding stuff, sadly). Another idea was to place some javascript at the bottom of the order template and check the field id against a regex. 3. Custom "return messages" Can I return an error message e.g. "domain is in use" when calling the API? 4. Add description for an input field And the last one: Is it possible to add a description for an input field without modifying the PHP file? If not, it's fine, I would just go and modify it then. :-) Cheers, André
  8. Sharing is caring, folks! select distinct email from contacts where client_id in (select client_id from services where package_group_id='n' and status='active'); Where n is your package group # of service XY. I think it would be even better to also get status "cancelled" and check if the date is in the future.
  9. Hi, It would take me an hour or so to create a working SQL query, so I tought I better ask this here. Can you help me out? I am trying to get all email addresses of active users of the group "vServers". Thank you guys! André
  10. Well, what can I say? Just tested it again... same problem. The select form still results in a 404 on some pages, example: Append set_language to "panel.example.com/client"). Thanks anyway.
  11. Only if they set a language in the settings by themselves. If they didn't or are not logged in, the language can be changed.
  12. Hi naja7host, I added a link like "cp.domain.tld/?set_language=xy" in our footer, because appending ?set_language to random pages can lead to a 404. My only problem: This solutions works fine, when the client has not selected a language via cp. If he has, we cannot override his language with that switch. Can you add such a feature?
  13. Any progress? Selling from DE to EN customers. Default language is German. My website is translated, the order form is not. Any idea for a patch?
  14. Wow, thanks! That's even better.
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