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Everything posted by timnboys

  1. Hello Paul @Paul here is the fixed module & pull request: https://github.com/blesta/module-digitalocean/pull/2 I will take that $50 now lol.
  2. yes and I am working on that fix right now as it wasn't the api php file the problem it was do_api_test.php and the module's php file doing the wrong/outdated calls to digitalocean's api.
  3. Working on the fix right now.
  4. 1. I usually recommend centos because I am more used to it as I have used ubuntu a long time ago but I now use Centos instead now 2. I am not a blesta dev so I cannot answer that @Paul can though. 3. yes blesta is standalone.
  5. well your first point is possible since you just add a .pdt template in the module to display on clientarea for the client to view I recently read that on the blesta docs about that. Your second point is possible too since it would be encrypted with bcrypt if I am not wrong or it could be encrypted with RSA/AES like I said not sure on the specifics of how blesta encrypts the information but yes the module would easily encrypt the information. Your third and final point is doable as well since I did that also recently for my fraudrecord anti fraud module adding a text area field for both the blacklist & whitelist functions that was implemented inside the module after michael dance came up with that idea. As to your encryption question on whether if it could display the information in the client area when it encrypts it on adding to the database yes it can as blesta knows its own encryption key it used to encrypt the information and will decrypt it as well as needed.
  6. glad you have it done since it would take me a while to get it to that stage from scratch lol.
  7. yes if you are willing for a paid module that is okay I can do that....as to be honest if I had to rewrite everything from scratch and didn't get to turn it into a paid module for the time and work I spent on it I don't think me in that situation nor anyone else would like/be happy with that lol.
  8. timnboys

    Tcadmin Module?

    okay that would be nice. I will email you at that email so we can discuss this mainly because I don't have a TCAdmin setup and if you have one already that would speed up both of our development.
  9. Yes I saw your ticket and will be working on this soon along with your tcadmin module
  10. timnboys

    Tcadmin Module?

    I am going to start on one that won't be free but will be similarly priced like my other modules
  11. okay great you need to get with me to get me the ISPManager details then as I can tell you I don't have ISPManager licenses.
  12. This module has been updated again now including the whitelist function fixed and working and also now the license for this module is also now "resell" by licensecart now! so now you can get the license from licensecart for this module as well!
  13. Okay both my dev blesta and my production blesta have both been patched. Thank you paul for fixing the issue and keeping the details at bay until all of us blesta users could patch our installs.
  14. you're right I think I have seen this person in my blesta though not sure how to match "jobplease" as username to what I have in my blesta though I got some ideas though.
  15. well no but it helps to know who you ordered it from so whoever you ordered it from would support it as if you bought it with licensecart all support questions should go to him instead of directly to cubedata if you ordered from cubedata directly you would ask support from cubedata directly then not from licensecart then.
  16. did you order that from CubeData's new Reseller Licensecart or directly with CubeData instead?
  17. okay I am downloading a fresh copy from michael dance's website now to work on this as I modified my own on my blesta to use slightly different techniques than the original license manager plugin uses. Sent you a pm paul just waiting on your response.
  18. Yes I have the license manager plugin through Michael dance
  19. Please email me or pm me here on the forums please
  20. I can make you the "provisioning module" yes but you need to provide the ISPmanager panel to develop off of since I don't have ISPmanager at the moment.
  21. How to use Services->add function? as documented here: http://source-docs.blesta.com/class-Services.html I am trying to add a service manually using $this->Services->add(); I am basically trying to do this inside the license_manager plugin as an additional controller file named api.php for my reseller api I am making I got suspend,unsuspend,cancel,getinfo(gets the license data like callhome,etc to display in reseller's blesta.) could anyone help me with that specific function?
  22. Just to be specific there us no hooks in blesta it isn't whmcs lol.
  23. would it be possible just to code one myself for you paul? as it seems I haven't seen this yet and in order to help you out I could just make one myself for you to use. all it maybe needs is to tie into your database and check to see if anyone exists with the domain in question and if not return invalid or return valid if they do exist.
  24. 1. monthly additional company license is $5 a month owned licenses it is $90 onetime. 2. Sorry first of all you cannot run blesta without a license I could be wrong and either paul(blesta developer) or licensecart(blesta reseller) could tell you more on that but usually you have to have a license for each blesta install and each addon company. 3. yes have you seen https://licensecart.com/plugin/support_manager/knowledgebase/view/279/how-can-i-sell-a-product-without-a-module/11/ while that is possible you might need a custom developed module for that to tie into your system to "provision" the services 4. ah you don't? as when they login they go to a client portal in blesta that shows them that? like I said either paul(blesta developer) or licensecart(blesta reseller) could tell you more on that as I am not sure on that.
  25. already did contact you and have to inform you no skype will be given sorry the only way you are going to contact me is via my livechat or email or here via pm sorry.
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