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Everything posted by timnboys

  1. You want someone to vouch for me talk to Michael dance he is by far my biggest user of my fraudrecord anti fraud module for blesta By the way I wasn't referring to the auditor I was referring to you "code audit wanters" which the auditer said it wasn't a good idea to just give you the source code so you stop asking for audits you people are trying to ruin me with each code audit because all of the month for the code audits and everything come out of my own wallet so next time understand the circumstances behind the denial before you start asking for something costly
  2. ah who said I wasn't seasoned? I have been coding in php a long time and am seasoned. Already discussed with the auditor about just giving him the source code just so he decides it's "safe" like I already know but he said not a good idea since he could steal and copy it and sell as his own so that is why they are encoded. do you just want to see the source code of whmcs? no you "trust" they know what they're doing and so should you on my stuff.
  3. This is also coming from a guy that asks developers for code audits each time lol
  4. yes I followed the docs and am using the official License Manager plugin I got from Michael Dance's download manager. Yes I was going to display it to end user like so: "License is {$Status}" replace status with the above.
  5. well not really since there could be a simple explanation like it exists but is suspended? how would you say it is suspended? there is no way to tell as explained in my updated opening post.
  6. redacted for security purposes
  7. I didn't know there was a directadmin module already for blesta?
  8. timnboys

    Import WHMCS

    I can make a openprovider module if it doesn't exist already for you
  9. Auggghhh.....we should just label you the code audit wanter lol.
  10. Hello @Paul I need to ask did my text look good? just curious on what I need to do next
  11. okay lets disagree to agree okay I screwed up I shouldn't have even bothered dipping myself into this knowing I didn't even know what PSR-2 was and don't really code in it.
  12. redacted
  13. redacted
  14. redacted
  15. Redacted
  16. So Did I; I don't really use digitalocean though really so this doesn't really affect me lol.
  17. why are you asking this for? is it because you don't have a developer license to get access to the beta? if so check it out on licensedemo.com
  18. great looking to see you on board soon.
  19. I didn't see your edit until now; yes there can be a way you can push/send information from the module from vultr to another module like a monitoring module(but I would have to know how to tie both of them together since I don't know currently what the monitoring module api uses.) also yes you could get a owned license as if it is better for your setup you could easily get the owned license not the monthly license and not worry about paying anymore for it unless you want upgrades/patches/support after a year.
  20. Yes I can and feel free to tweak my writing if you want to since I am not going to say I am the best in grammar/spelling ^ How is that @Paul ? I tried to come up with all you asked in the paragraph but I admit I am not a PR person so I really would appreciate if you could tweak it to make it sound/look good paul.
  21. He told me basically he wanted me to copy the step order form I will have to go into my whmcs to check which one that is I told him I could make it for him as all it is basically html/css which is easy I mean basically you just copying the existing form from whmcs to blesta and just patch the differences between the two. the order form he wants is: Standard Cart that is displayed in WHMCS.
  22. Yes believe it or not indteam is directing it to you saying he wants a order form for blesta like whmcs order form I told him he is using blesta not WHMCS but he doesn't seem to listen.....so yeah he wants a order form for blesta copying whmcs order forms
  23. yes where fraud checks are run for every order even existing customers this one specifically @Paul https://dev.blesta.com/browse/CORE-2056?jql=project %3D CORE AND component %3D Plugins
  24. @Paul could you answer this?
  25. nevermind found the issue and patched it. all who have downloaded the module please redownload it from WHMCS if it doesn't work for you.
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