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  1. Right now I am Blesta local testing server with GoGetSL sandbox api in place and started creating package group and packages from GoGetSSL sandbox api. Once this is all setup I eventually plan to backup database and restore on a live server instance. But all those package products are pulled from the GoGetSSL sandbox api. Is it as simple as just change the api token from GoGetSSL sandbox to non-sandbox GoGetSSL api tokens for live usage ? Or are all those existing and restored package products tied to just the sandbox api ? cheers George
  2. thanks.. looks like that's best way to do it for now with separate test instance
  3. thanks Tyson looking forward to the fix/updates
  4. thanks guys got it sorted with my Centmin Mod LEMP stack and working vhost config i posted at http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4519-nginx-rewrite-oddity-front-end-links-ok-backend-links-not/#entry33677 also have SPDY SSL guide for my Centmin Mod LEMP stack at http://centminmod.com/nginx_configure_https_ssl_spdy.html
  5. hmmm GoGetSSL says the problem is at Blesta module end and not GoGetSSL and that they don't control the actual GoGetSSL module for Blesta ! so don't know which end it is.. is there an extended debug verbose mode / logs that I can check ?
  6. thanks Paul and Mike will contact you when I do the move as it will be different domain/IP so will need a reissue
  7. I'm on 30 day Blesta trial license and even after first few hours of using Blesta I am liking it I setup the trial on my local virtualbox guest server instance right now. But decided to do the latter part of testing on real live server online. So is moving the Blesta install during trial license period the same as normal full license ? I have different domains though ? Virtualbox local instance uses /etc/hosts made up name = newdomain.com Live instance will use a proper domain = orders.mydomainname.com or something and use https/TLS Or is trial tied to that newdomain.com name now ? thanks George
  8. For my situation for SSL and renewal notifications, say if a client's email becomes invalid over the 12 months before renewal. Then when blesta system sends a renewal notification to that clients invalid email and it bounces back. How does Blesta handle that ? Wouldn't sending an email to an invalid bouncing email have no effect ? Is there any notice on front end client log in area that notifies the client his email is invalid and needs updating ?
  9. thanks Mike will check that out tomorrow
  10. Does Blesta do anything with regards to bounced email handling ? invalid client emails etc ? How to verify or check client emails are valid and working over time and not just at registration/order time ? thanks George
  11. answers my question
  12. I currently setup my Blesta trial with GoGetSSL Sandbox API + Paypal Sandbox API for testing first. Is there any options to distinguish and separate any invoices, order transaction history/details to ensure they are marked as Sandbox entries ? Would make bookkeeping much easier thanks George
  13. I just setup a package group (retail ssl) and associated packages for SSL with retail prices which was quite a bit of manual work. Now I want to setup a 2nd package group (discounted ssl) with exact same packages as retail ssl group but with discounted prices. Is that the correct way ? Is there any option to just clone the package group and packages under a new package group name and then edit the prices for discounted ssl group ? thanks George
  14. Not sure if Blesta has such features, but would be great if we can create preset welcome email templates and preset defaults (year vs month, preset package member groups) which can be selected at time of package creation/setup. Saves alot of typing/copy/paste
  15. yeah i submitted a ticket to GoGetSSL thanks for the screencast !
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