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Everything posted by Abdy

  1. ------ EDIT 10 November 2015 ------ Yesterday, Viewing some admin themes in ThemeForest, I found "Remark". In short, 1 Developer, 24 Hours, 5 Liters of coffee. And this is the result: This is the final design for my Blesta installation, but I have a problem with the dropdown ¿Any know how to fix this? Furthermore, I will release my old theme (Design 1) to all the community completely free. (I will post soon the thread) ------ EDIT 10 November 2015 ------ Hi, I will release the new site of cyandark the next week, And I make 2 new themes for Blesta for the new site, I have 2 possible designs. Which of these two designs you prefer? Design 1 HostBill? No No. Design 2
  2. Yes, Works fine.
  3. Hi, you can translate the PDF? Because some developers here don't understand Russian. If you can translate the PDF to english, Send me a PM. I can make your Payment Gateway.
  4. Use some bytes of the forum database.
  5. Great
  6. Abdy

    Blesta Design

    Using Javascript
  7. Abdy

    Release 3.5.3

  8. Amazing design
  9. Important Update, This update fix an error with the Change Password Function. https://github.com/CyanDarkInc/cpanelextended
  10. Abdy

    Blesta Design

    Hi, Today I want to show my blesta integration, I feel that miss something. I want to hear your opinions, and feedback. Sorry for my bad english, and have a good day.
  11. With magic haha
  12. 2 New order forms added -Backupsy -Startup
  13. You can use friendly names in the host name field. Yes
  14. Thanks No, This plugin don't use any API. Makes a Cron Job Task, that makes a ping to the server every 5 minutes.
  15. Hi I bring today a very useful plugin. This is a Uptime Robot and Server Monitoring Plugin, Requires ssh2 installed in the server for Server Monitoring. Features Uptime Robot Check the server every 5 minutes Alerts over Email or via SMS with Twilio Server Monitoring (Requires ssh2 and root Password) Automatic updates (Updates the software and packages every day, via yum or apt-get) RAM Alerts (If only have 10% free) HDD Alerts (If only have 10% free) CPU Alerts (If CPU usage is more than 80%) Update [07/08/15]: Now is possible delete a server Fixed problems with emails I don't have screenshots, but I have a video. https://youtu.be/haI03KEbWSg UPDATE: In some cases the plugin don't create the Cron Job Task, If this occurs login into PHPMyAdmin, Go to your blesta database and go to the cron_task_runs and add the following entry: id => n+1 task_id => Cron Task ID (You can view this in the cron_tasks table) company_id => Your Company ID (Normally 1) time => NULL interval => 5 enabled => 1 date_enabled => 2012-01-01 00:00:00 uptime_robot.zip
  16. Box Slider Added Perfect for VPS, Cloud or Dedicated Servers. For the box use in description the following code <p><i class="fa fa-database"></i>vSwap: <span class="txt-value">6 GB</span></p>
  17. Abdy

    Release 3.5.2

  18. Thanks
  19. Abdy

    Release 3.5.1

  20. Thanks Thanks
  21. Cloud Order Added
  22. Added Premade Slider, Rot Boxes & Square Boxes.
  23. Its safe to use but remember, you can't import the users from the original module.
  24. Thanks for All for your comments. Update: Apital & Triple Box Added You can found the email in the main post and Thanks.
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