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  1. thanks for the tip, I'll look into that but speaking for myself, I'll want to customize everything if things work out, I'll get the license manager's package
  2. problem is, even index.php need customization (premium full site templates, ecommerce / site cms, etc.), else they'll be useless for clients
  3. Thanks, thought so too. Well, it's free software for clients and I just do not want 'em used elsewhere, plus they can't be encoded since customization needed. Now I've 1 big bundle of software not sure how to distribute
  4. Hello, If I do not encode the software, what's stopping clients from removing code snippets? Is there a way to overcome this? Thanks
  5. 5 minutes is quite standard for most billing apps
  6. you'll probably need to highlight which plugin and what task, give more details
  7. from your response I gather you are looking at the following, 1. cPanel server setup, complete including Easyapache, php, security, dns and email. 2. Blesta setup and system configuration. 3. For auto off site backup you will first need to provide a backup server, unless you want it included with the management service. 4. Job deemed complete after you find above in good work order. Is above what you are looking for?
  8. May I know what else you need fixed?
  9. Login to your cPanel UI, Go to "Advanced" --> "Cron jobs" --> "Add New Cron Job" Add below as a new cron job */5 * * * * /usr/bin/php /absolute/path/to/blesta/index.php cron <--------Steps to adding cron job if needed ---------> Choose every 5 minutes in the drop down menu Under "command" add /usr/bin/php /absolute/path/to/blesta/index.php cron then save
  10. thanks, worked like a charm
  11. thanks but I've done this too $this->Form->fieldImage("submit", $this->_("PaypalPaymentsStandard.buildprocess.submit", true), array('src' => $button_url, 'target' => "_blank") ); and it stays on the page EDIT: Correct me if I'm wrong but this seems to be the image ref <img src="paypal_image" alt="pay with paypal"> so if say the code <img src="paypal_image" alt="pay with paypal" onclick="new.window('$post_to')">, is run, new window will open with a wrong reference. At the same time, original window will go to correct paypal_url as defined in $post_to In other words, the line ==> array('src' => $button_url, with 'target' => "_blank") will not do anything So if I want a new window during the POST operation, it'll have to be at the point where "FORM" is submitted. May I know which section the target attribute can be included?
  12. thanks but it stays on the page below breaks the code $this->Form->fieldImage("submit", $this->_("PaypalPaymentsStandard.buildprocess.submit", true), array('src' => $button_url), ('target' => "_blank") );
  13. Thank you, found it. Sorry but how do I go bout it? Looks to me like it's part of another process only
  14. I see, but there are quite a no. of sites that do it Thanks
  15. oh no, definitely not good enough to develop, just trying to modify the standard PayPal gateway
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