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  1. Hi, Blesta: 3.6.1 After adding a VAT / TAX number to a company creating a client without giving a tax number, auto inserts the companies tax number into the client. This does not happen when using Blesta interface to create the client, only when using the API. See below the code used to insert the client. In the database if you add via Blesta interface in the table 'client_settings' it will create an entry 'tax_id' with value blank. Using the API does not create this line and without it the company tax is used, this also stops VAT being charged on invoices without manually editing every client, or running an SQL query to insert the tax_id line for every customer. When a client does not have a tax_id line in the client_settings table it should read that as no tax, not read the company tax line. Looking at what I should be passing to the API it looks like I should be passing a settings array which would include the tax_id. Should it not then fail if not all required is sent?
  2. I don't want to post the cPanel username here, however it did not include test but still failed. I was using the Blesta API to import the service but that should make no difference as the same functions are called for validating.
  3. Hi Paul, Thank you for your reply. The accounts with a period were created in 2010 so I guess around that time it was allowed. I'm not sure cPanel are giving the error for test at the beginning of a domain name. I have just created an account via the WHM called teststomthine.com without any error. I have then decided I should test the API in case that returns the error and created testthis.com without any error. If I recall correctly cPanel have an issue with the username test. I have actually just tested this and every account I try create with test at the start of the username fails, not the start of the domain name.
  4. Hi, Blesta: 3.6.1 cPanel Module: 2.3.1 1) When using the cPanel module you are unable to add a domain that starts with 'test'. Error returned: BlestaResponse Object ( [raw:BlestaResponse:private] => {"message":"The request cannot be fulfilled due to bad syntax.","errors":{"cpanel_domain":{"test":"Domain name can not start with 'test'."}},"response":null} Domains can start with test: testyourfuture.com 2) cPanel module does not allow usernames with period '.' in them. We have some old cPanel accounts with a period in them. I just used a temp username and edited the database to get around the checking and reflect the correct username but this should not be required.
  5. Short version my fix: In WHM make sure Blesta isn't predownloaded already, if it is untick. I had this same error installing 3.6.1 with Softaculous. Softaculous is setup to download on demand, however an install had already been done on 3.6.0 so the files were downloaded for that. When I run the install it downloaded 3.6.1 and failed with the informative error: The following errors were found : Installation Failed I tried a few more times from the cPanel to install and it kept failing. I went into WHM Softaculous and removed the tick for Blesta under pre-download, back into cPanel and Blesta installed without a problem. Seems Softaculous didn't handle the version upgrade properly in my case.
  6. Hi PauloV, I know you are very busy, just wondering if you have an update on this yet? Thanks.
  7. Hey, I read a lot of people have problems with getting the cron job running. I myself never managed to get it to work correct although could run it manually from shell, it did not work as softaculous installed the cron. I made the edits Licensecart suggests for cPanel path to PHP. I tried php-cli instead of just PHP nothing would work. If you are in the same boat there is a simple way around it. Setup a webcron, this is the same method a popular CMS runs it's crons: */5 * * * * wget -q -O - http://{ domain & path to blesta}/cron/?cron_key={cronkey} >/dev/null 2>&1 You can get your cron key under settings -> system -> automation, just click the update cron key. If it's empty click generate code then 'UPDATE CRON KEY' and put it into the above cron. You can drop off the >/dev/null 2&1 from the end if you have configured an email address for crons to send emails to and you wish to check it is running every 5 minutes. Put it back when you are sick of an email every 5 minutes. If there is a reason this is not a good method to use please let me know, it seems a simple answer to people having problems with cPanel crons.
  8. Hey, When creating a customer if you select use email address as username, but do not enter an email address it will return error 'Please enter a username'. This would be better to read 'Please enter an email address'. Thanks.
  9. Hi, I have run across a problem when working with the cPanel module using Blesta 3.6, cPanel mod 2.3.0 and PHP version 5.4, I have error reporting on. Module: cPanel (Ver 2.3.0) Steps to reproduce: 1) add 2 cpanel servers with the cPanel module 2) add cPanel service to a customer 3) under customer 'manage' the new cPanel service. 4) change 'Server' setting to another server under Service Information. Error Given: Undefined index: coupon_code on line 3938 in /home/xxxxxx/public_html/app/controllers/admin_clients.php Fix: Use isset. On line 3938, I'm sure the below could be written better but it works. if (isset($this->post['coupon_code'])) { $data['coupon_id'] = $this->getCouponId($this->post['coupon_code']); } else { $data['coupon_id'] = null; } I would love to hear back if this above fix may cause problems with the coupon code by setting it to null, the whole else part could be removed it's just habit for me to set to null if it's hit an undefined index error, as it may happen in other parts of the code for the same var. Thanks, Daniel.
  10. Hi PauloV, Do you have an ETA on your new version? Thanks.
  11. Thank you for taking the time to explain flangefrog. I must have not read that part of your post well enough, maybe put it in a new paragraph called setup, or just bold it where it is to make it stand out and add 'in your webdrive reseller account' to the end of it. Not trying to nit pick but if I missed it others may too. I appreciate the time you have taken to write this module and make it public. None of our contact information is shared between our customer domains every domain uses different contact details so this should not be a problem. This could be because we have never used there control panel we have always used a custom built system which just added new contacts for every domain we registered and when we transferred to them they created new contacts for every domain even if they were the same details. I will look more into this but I don't much like the idea of moving 1000+ domains into sub accounts in webdrive.
  12. So far so good yes with 3.6. in webdrive.php comment out all '$this->setSubaccountUser($api, $service->client_id);' lines. I've not fully tested this yet but after doing that I'm able to request UDAI, change nameservers and get whois info. Once I've done more testing, as I'm not sure what this change effects properly yet, I'll update this post.
  13. With this braintree module will you be adding token storage any time soon?
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