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Everything posted by Jonathon

  1. Hey All, In the admin where the My Info shows when a user is logged in I would also like to show the name of the user logged in. Can someone please assist in letting me know the code I can apply in the stucture.pdt file or where ever it is best suited Thanks
  2. Hi Paul, Installed Version 4.0.1 I believe the data was a copy of company 1 - I now have each company with 2 different logos but if you have cloned a company with a logo and delete it removes the file from the base company - I guess what I am thinking is that any images added like that should be in a images/CompanyID/ folder vs just in a general images folder. because then the worst case would be if on company 2 you deleted the image it would be looking in /images/Company2ID/myimage.jpg be not found and just error out.
  3. Owned open source or encoded?
  4. Hey Guys Bug report issue Multi Company setup - Company 2's data cloned company 1 (All ok to this point) When on Company 2 - Did an invoice customization - remove logo (Now this company has no logo) This is what I wanted. Switch to company 1 - Now the image is broken because it has been removed.... not what I wanted.
  5. Jonathon

    Download Manager

    Is there a way to use the Download manager with client groups or products to only allow access if you are in a group or have a product? (ACL) Thoughts on this if not?
  6. Been using the module for some time and don't have these issues. No customization - likely a setting from what I can tell. We do not do a high volume of registrations but the ones I have checked - looked to be just fine.
  7. What options would you want to see in the module?
  8. It is because the support manager pro uses the baked in support manager as a base - you have to match or use the same license to it.
  9. The code assumes you are running as a root user - not a reseller and as such uses an invalid switch that a reseller cannot use I forget the line change but I will dig it up and let you know That will resolve the issue
  10. @PauloV Congrats - now you will just need to get the little one up to speed on coding right away to make up for lost time on plugin updates Wishing you all the best
  11. Jonathon

    7 day trial account?

    Best I have done for 3.x is custom query /report and then use MailChimp or something like that
  12. Transaction has been completed with no issues.
  13. I have made a successful offer of 60.00 for the domain. Pm of details sent
  14. I will offer you $40 USD for the domain - Yes you registered it for 3 years - guess what they are up and done. None of that time you registered will count for me.. that was your cost and chance on a registration and sale. http://blestaextras.com/ - Expiration Date: 23-oct-2016 Look forward to hearing from you ASAP so it can be transferred before the expiry
  15. The best cloud is one that does not rain on you I like OVH for there services
  16. Does anyone have a way to auto generate a sitemap from Blesta Ideally looking for a plugin that will auto generate this based on the current routes and internal links on the public site. Thanks
  17. Thanks - did not see that in the list of to comes
  18. When adding a new service from the administration side - I would like to be able to change the currency and override the price from initial steps of adding the product. and not have to edit the invoice before it is sent to the client and then modify the service. This would be very helpful in my opinion
  19. I not looking at putting much time into this until a later beta, due to other commitments and possible updates I may want to push on to it
  20. What I would like to see is the ability to select a default price from the product pricing grid. This would then be used in the cart section when a client first goes to a product. I think this would allow use to setup a pricing model that shows the best price offering by our selection but still offer other terms.
  21. Hi Paul, I think having an interface for the a returned class of objectType csfConnection. (my thoughts on naming) having all of the details that would be required. Array of csfConnections could be sourced from the cPanel plugin and then also any custom ones created in admin section. This would then allow for other modules like a plesk one to also implement this and use it.
  22. CSF is not cPanel only - can be used on a wide variety of servers and setups - I would hate to box the plugin in to just cPanel.
  23. It does use the cPanel API - there is a cavet to watch out for that I hit. It does use the cPanel plugin information to know about the servers.. - but it should also have a setting per cPanel server if the reseller has root privileges as it will run a different unblock comment for a reseller vs root privileged user. I think as a stand alone plugin that can read the data from the cpanel one is the better way to go.
  24. Attached is the admin side and the signed in client. If we need updates to this - happy to review and provide a git repo for it. As I have also included in my person version - the plugin returning the reason it was blocked
  25. Slack = more hooks needed
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