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Everything posted by DarrenShakes

  1. Do you have an estimated time frame to further completion of todo list? You should setup Paypal donations too.
  2. Thats exactly what happens actually, especially when staff are assigned to specific departments only. Remember, these are just employees, most of them will only do the work that is assigned to them, not more.
  3. We would also want a bunch of the already developed community mods/addons to be installed and configured and possibly further integrated with our above requirements and instance as a whole.
  4. We are also in need of a Xero integration, however we also need "transaction processing" costs to be accounted for and broken down when imported into Xero, simlilar in function (or working in conjunction) to this: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4354-transaction-processing-costs-listed-and-removed-from-net-revenue-reports/ I bet you @jhadley would like this as well
  5. Hi, I really want to move away from WHMCS but Blesta seems to be lacking in a lot of functionality. Are there any development TEAMS here that could quickly addon to Blesta? The team or core group would have to be established in the industry and have somewhat of a foundation that I could rely on them being around in the future for any fixes or updates to continue working with new Blesta updates. Here are some examples of what I would need: http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4346-enable-alipay-and-bitcoin-in-stripe-gateway/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4355-support-dept-email-notification-configurations-needed/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4354-transaction-processing-costs-listed-and-removed-from-net-revenue-reports/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4359-commentreason-box-for-cancellations/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4330-link-to-service-from-edit-invoice-page/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4332-show-current-service-status-on-manage-service-page/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4331-client-name-in-search-results/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3534-forcibly-generate-services-next-invoice/ - search/filter for clients by package/product -mass mailing clients functionality (with a way to filter by products, invoices, locations & more then only email those clients) + I am sure more that will be found to be missing. I am sure there are some other companies that would also be interested in these updates and would pay you license fees for them in addition to me, but we are willing to pay for the development time and support time to get these done now and just for us (with others joining in as they see this thread, I'm sure). You will also have the opportunity to get the job of integrating www.EasyDCIM.com with Blesta which will be another income opportunity for you. My email is darren at [swiftnode.com]
  6. +1 for password reset link!!
  7. +1 to this, this is something that does happen frequently. at minimum an easy way for an Admin to generate and LINK the invoice to the service would be nice, but having a Client side function would be great too!
  8. +1 highly wanted!
  9. Could you do everything I asked for the in the feature request section as well? I am willing to pay for development to get it done correctly and quickly, as well as guarantee continued support and functionality in future Blesta versions. Are you the developer yourself, personally, or do you have someone else doing it for you or helping you? I ask because I want to make sure I have direct contact with the developer so no matter what happens in his life (stops doing hosting, moves companies, stops using Blesta, etc); I can still have access to you and pay you to make sure things are kept updated and functional.
  10. Its needed for big operations. There is absolutely no way the current support desk is usable for anything other than tiny company's with tiny staff amounts and shared responsibilities. So is Blesta for tiny companies or do they want to get proper usage? If they dont want to invest the time for proper management of support, they need to have real 3rd party integration for support desks; otherwise Blesta becomes useless as a whole.
  11. The ability to be assigned to a specific support department but configure the specific updates to receive from it is needed. - Assigned dept, no email updates - Assigned dept, admin reply email updates - Assigned dept, client reply email updates - Assigned dept, internal notes email updates - Assigned dept, receive ticket status change email updates - Assigned dept, receive updates only on TICKETS ASSIGNED TO USER or ALL tickets Right now the support system as is seems to be hardly usable for a company with 10+ support staff, dedicated billing staff, dedicated provisioning staff, etc and hundreds of tickets opened per week. The "user contribution" of "Support Plus" mod helps but this is still needed, as well as the ability to filter tickets by department, ticket status, etc. Pretty urgent if you want to get some larger hosting companies using Blesta. You should get a look at how the Ubersmith support system works for tips of improving yours or at least develop a real and seamless integration for the SirPortly (www.sirportly.com) support system to take the task of building a proper support desk off your hands.
  12. What about having a list of Departments on the left (or right for Arabic) side of the page? That way you can only view tickets by a certain department. How long and hard would it be to implement this?
  13. The costs to process a transaction should be automatically calculated and listed in transaction histories, as well as removed from the net revenue figure. A simple method would be to allow a configurable 'per transaction cost' (% + possible one time fees) on each gateway if the gateway didnt have a method to automatically feed that information into Blesta. This is needed to help accounting and have a realistic look at collected/received revenue. Reports listing transaction costs per month, quarter, year or selected period should be available too with a breakdown by gateway.
  14. There need to be specific payment button options for each one and the word "Stripe" should not be mentioned. Paypal Credit Card Bitcoin Alipay ...for example
  15. Can you please update the Stripe module to enable support for Alipay and Bitcoin please?
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