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Squidix Web Hosting

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Everything posted by Squidix Web Hosting

  1. Every time we make a small change, we have to go through every one of our packages and update the email templates - gets to be a big pain - would be nice to have these reusable.
  2. I have this same issue. Trying to change a hostname, I get "An internal error occurred, or the server did not respond to the request", and in the log I see that with no response, I also see this: Input vps.srvon.com|listtemplates a:1:{s:4:"type";N;} Output vps.srvon.com <status>error</status><statusmsg>Type not found</statusmsg> In solusvm API log - it does not show hostname call at all. Blesta log DOES show hostname call. |vserver-hostname a:2:{s:8:"hostname";s:13:"XXX";s:9:"vserverid";s:2:"48";}
  3. I've patched this as well, I'll post in a few.
  4. Price overrides are a pain when you need to change terms, because you first have to change the package/pricing, whatever you want to call it, then do the override. Moreover, you can't override to a term that's not available with the package. So if 1 person wants X billing cycle, you have to add a X billing option to the package, which in some cases is not doable.
  5. I've done this, pretty roughly. ./app/models/services.php - add this method + /** + * Resends a welcome email. + * + * @param int $service_id The ID of the service to resend the welcome email for. + */ + public function resendWelcomeEmail($service_id) { + + extract($this->getRelations($service_id)); + + // Resend the service's welcome email. + $this->sendNotificationEmail($service, $package, $service->client_id); + + } Replace in getActions method: public function getActions($current_status = null) { $actions = array( + 'resend_welcome_email' => $this->_("Services.getActions.resend_welcome_email"), 'suspend' => $this->_("Services.getActions.suspend"), 'unsuspend' => $this->_("Services.getActions.unsuspend"), 'cancel' => $this->_("Services.getActions.cancel"), ./app/controllers/admin_clients.php switch ($this->post['section']) { case "action": switch ($this->post['action']) { + case "resend_welcome_email": + $this->Services->resendWelcomeEmail($service->id, $this->post); + break; case "suspend": $this->Services->suspend($service->id, $this->post); break; ./clients/language/en_us/services.php +$lang['Services.getActions.resend_welcome_email'] = "Resend Welcome Email"; $lang['Services.getActions.suspend'] = "Suspend"; $lang['Services.getActions.unsuspend'] = "Unsuspend"; $lang['Services.getActions.cancel'] = "Cancel";
  6. I wouldn't necessarily go that far, all I need is the ability to run the basic module commands in the basic options tab without messing with blesta data. You have abstract methods for all of this on the Module class. A simple passthrough without the extra logic in the service layer would do the trick. No actual new code, I would think. Strip the extra logic out of the Services model class and it's done. For example termination would just be (roughly) line 1470-1487 of the Services class, plus validation and logging (both already there).
  7. Yes, a more generic "command" capability completely detached from Blesta (simply passing commands straight to the module) would be ideal.
  8. cPanel's reseller functionality is absolutely useless without this. The package does nothing for limits, and the only other thing Blesta allows you to set is the ACL. It will require 2 api calls, createacct and setresellerlimits on provisioning. I've already patched to add the fields to the package page, but not sure how to work a second API call into this.
  9. Alternatively, the ability to set a service back to pending so it can then be activated as normal.
  10. Self explanatory. Needed for: When a service is created (but "use module" is not selected on activation). Happens very often. When a client wants a password reset on a cpanel account or similar. Happens very often. When clients want this resent for their own records.
  11. This is necessary in a couple of cases: When a client wants to migrate over an old cpanel account - current one must be terminated before migration, but service must remain active. When a client wants an account recreated from scratch. Both of these happens on a regular basis for us.
  12. Self explanatory. This is how WHMCS works. It's intuitive, it's quick, and the only downside is a negligible performance penalty. Account info (domain/username) is either #1 or #2 in search volume for pretty much any hosting company, next to client names/emails. Also, the first and pretty much only thing I want to see when searching services, service labels, are not even displayed in service search results.
  13. Okay, so it will be going up to 16 chars, great, thanks.
  14. I'd like to get some community feedback on this as the devs don't seem interested in doing it. cPanel usernames are restricted to 8 chars by Blesta. This is crazy. Every single hosting company in the world with more than a handful of customers has at least one cPanel user that was migrated in or something similar with a username of more than 8 chars. cPanel doesn't even enforce this restriction, so resellers constantly go well over 8 chars for their cpanel accts. This really isn't Blesta's problem to be enforcing. It's cPanel's. If they want to enforce it let them do so, without making it impossible to bring in old data. Pretty much everyone who uses Blesta is going to have to increase this at some point in time with a code change.
  15. I need this, preferably in the way you've just described. Let me know if you want Alex to do it and get you a patch.
  16. I'm just using $pageTitle and stripping the client number off the other pages (in my opinion it shouldn't be in the title of every page like it is now).
  17. I love this application!!! Easy to work with and the markup is very clean.
  18. I'd need it to be clean. But presumably everything attaches to a company at some point, even if I have to do join queries to link everything back to the company, I guess I can do it.
  19. Any reason I can't just pull from the database by company ID and make a new database? Or clone the entire thing, then delete the companies I don't need in each instance.
  20. If i set up a multi company instance, how difficult is it to later down the road split one company into its own independent instance?
  21. Whole separate issue, although I've already talked to the devs about that as well (I'm pretty sure that JIRA issue was created due to one of my questions). I have implemented a fix for this one but it's completely untested.
  22. This isn't something you can do without modifying the core files. Coupon logic is hard coded. Will post shortly.
  23. Piece of crap SolusVM does not allow you to order templates. Does it by ID. Adding this to line 2038 of modules/solusvm/solusvm.php does it by name which is better than nothing - asort($templates);
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