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Everything posted by wanah

  1. You have best practices that if you don't follow you are more likely to get your accounts controlled. You can have multiple numbering scheems when it is required, changing billing software isn't enough to change numbering though. You would have to have multiple shops or something similar to do this.
  2. That's possible, or maybe it's also specific to France. Anyway as it's not possible to change numbering scheme during the year, by not accepting all types of numbering scheems, Blesta is refusing customers who have to wait for the beginning of the next year before changîg software.
  3. Thanks for that, nice to have an official answer Will num start at 1 again at the beginning of each month ? For the number padding, I haven't found an official docment that states that it's obligatory, in 2007 our accountant told us we had to choose the right number of digits corresponding to roughly our sales estimates + 1 or 2 zeros. One thing for sure we can't change numbering scheme during the year so a move to blesta without editing core files woud have to wait for 2016. There are a few things that make us wonder if blesta will suit our needs, as our general impression is that blesta was not initially designed for medium/large companies and you are adding new features to accomodate them. I will have another look when blesta 3.5 comes out, we are curretly working on pieces of code that could be implemented as plugins for blesta for some very specific suppliers. We will see if we plug them in to our custom system or into blesta if blesta's developement evolves in the right direction fast enough to reassure us. I must admit the community is great and definitly loves the product.
  4. Thanks We are going to wait for blesta to natively disallow customer from editing invoices. I don't mind editing the core for the other parts but this one is to big to patch as we don't know yet how they will implement it.
  5. Yes, I agree, and at least I did get my answer from the comunity. But just because a competitor is very bad, doesn't meen it's ok to not offer a good support. We aren't comparing with a competitor but between finishing our custom panel that's 60% finished or abandoning it to move to an existing solution. We tried the competitors pannel 3 years ago and got a refund. I tried besta about a year ago and decided it wasn't ready for our needs. Came back with high hopes but it's still unusable for our current legal requirements.
  6. Thanks for your answer. I'll see where we are when/if blesta becomes compatible with vat registered EU companies. While the community seems very helpfull, no reply from official staff to presales questions in multiple days is quite worrying and makes we wonder if the support for paid customers would be reactive enough for us.
  7. Well all of that sounds hopefull... What about not allowing customers to edit their invoices ?
  8. Hello, I looked into your product some time ago but could not use it as I needed EU complient invoicing. Now you have proforma invoices I've given it another go. I've encountered so far two problems. I cannot change invoicing number scheme during the year and I can't seem to be able to reproduce my current numbering scheeme : 1st invoice of January 2015 : FA1501A015 105th invoice of Feburary 2015 FA1502A105 3rd invoice of March 2015 FA1503A003 What I'm missing is : 1) Ability to have two diget year 2) Ability to fill the number with zeros (in europe you have to do this (have a fixed number of zeros that corresponds to the maximum number of invoices you plan to have). 3) Automaticaly go back to 1 at the beginning of each month. I can get around point 1 and point 3 by waiting until 2016 before moving to blesta but I don't want to wait that long. I haven't found how to do point 2 though. The second issue I've found is that customers can edit their invoice contact details. And invoice being a non modifyable document, this can't be allowed. How can I solve these issues ? If I cannot, do you have some form of ETA for making Blesta EU Complient ? Thanks.
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