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Steven F

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Everything posted by Steven F

  1. I wish I could take credit, but it's all Blesta and Stripe, I'm just doing a bit of minor integration. However, it was not fun integrating with the current documentation, let me tell you. Took a while to figure out how to get it functioning properly. I'm going to try and publish all of the information I gained from this to help future developers.
  2. I've got this coming out this week! I just need to find an hour or two to finish up the module. I've already contacted Paul to see how to get this into the Blesta files for future installs. http://puu.sh/hb8ei/1fd89c333f.png You can enable BitCoin and AliPay independently, so if you're not in the AliPay beta or don't want to accept BTC, that's your choice. http://puu.sh/hb87I/1d2f1b63e7.png http://puu.sh/hb88C/e7a2e9174e.png (customizable text box, oooh). http://puu.sh/hb89F/7a7d689a92.png (just found a bug, it should say deposit for credit).
  3. I may have missed them, I'll take a look shortly. I've been dealing with various vendors and it has been very hectic, I'll check in like fifteen minutes.
  4. It would seem that this happens automatically, but was being caused by an error! I've located the problem and am now working to fix it.
  5. I'm working on the Stripe Checkout plugin. I've ironed out most of the kinks and it's basically ready to go. Stripe Checkout posts directly to a form of your choosing. Currently, it is sending the client to: callback/gw/1/stripe_checkout/?client_id=$id. This is all good (invoices are getting marked as paid, everything looks nice), except that there is no redirect to a success page or failure page. Is there any way for me to redirect them to some other page?
  6. Was there a cPanel bug or WordPress exploit driving you to the edge of insanity?
  7. Configure::get("Blesta.gw_callback_url") . Configure::get("Blesta.company_id") ."/NAMEOFGATEWAY/?client_id=" . $this->ifSet($contact_info['client_id']) Figured it out.
  8. What URL should I post to in order to run the validate function in a non-merchant gateway? I tried "/client/pay/confirm/validate/", but that isn't working. "/client/pay/validate" is giving a 404.
  9. One more thing. from is a reserved word in MySQL. @Paul, bad Paul. You'll need to use `from` to properly edit them. Edit: UPDATE emails SET `from`="sales@domain.com" WHERE `from`="sales@whatever"
  10. Just a small update, you also need sales@domain.com to update. Also, using PHPMyAdmin on production is probably a bad idea.
  11. We have a winner.
  12. Our system seems to be sending from @our-ip and this is causing e-mails to fail. I can't figure out how to change this so it sends from @ourdomain.com. Any ideas? I've gone through most of the settings and I'm thinking I'll need to pop into MySQL to find this.
  13. Nothing super important. I uninstalled it and then re-installed it and that did the job.
  14. http://puu.sh/gyTQx/3f26a0a8fe.png http://puu.sh/gyTNh/cd2489727e.png
  15. I noticed our Support Manager wasn't sending out any e-mail notifications. When I checked the templates, none were in there. I'm not sure if I need to set them manually? If so, how would I do that?
  16. Awesome! We were part of the beta. We're also part of the AliPay beta. I haven't had a chance to work on the plugin, but I'm hoping to get to it this weekend. I'll be integrating Stripe Checkout.
  17. I don't mind, it's actually really easy (I've done the Stripe integration before, it's done very nicely). I just need to pop in and take a look at the Blesta documentation.
  18. It seems the problem is you use their non-checkout form. If you use the checkout form, it's as simple as adding one line to enable both BitCoin and AliPay. I'll just pop out a module to work with Stripe Checkout (their JS form).
  19. We're part of Stripe's BitCoin and AliPay betas. I was wondering if there was a way to enable these payment options with the built-in module?
  20. I added a value and it looks to have resolved the problem.
  21. Thanks for getting back to me! I have it set for 1 month, 6 months, and 1 year in USD. http://puu.sh/fXs19/ecd7e317b4.png And the order form: http://puu.sh/fXs8n/7cc6f8bdde.png Edit: Also, on the order page, in the box it says 10 TB not 100 Mbps Unmetered like in the dropdown. http://puu.sh/fXs8n/7cc6f8bdde.png
  22. http://puu.sh/fXpRL/d2d5e87b4a.png That should be the third of three options. Instead, it's the only one. http://puu.sh/fXquP/06719b0ea5.png Any ideas? It's happening for any dropdown which I have multiple ones on. The form cannot be submitted. I don't know if it's because of that error or another one: http://puu.sh/fXqyd/9376b55b29.png
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