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Everything posted by rfhmendes

  1. If this is changed in the database, it will also change the word for every other language. Or, did anything changed in the meanwhile and I didn't notice? :S Anyone knows a quick workaround for this in the latest version (4.3)?
  2. rfhmendes

    Support Tickets

    I'm sorry to tell you that I do see people sending emails and support tickets with more than a single line break. I could mention at least two multi-national companies that supplies phone, mobile, Internet and even is the owner of most cinemas in my country. And another one that supplies energy to both consumers and businesses. It's not a general rule but sometimes it's necessary to use multiple blank lines whenever it's convenient to have better readability. Independently of the above. Even if there was a common standard in place regarding this matter, I don't see why I would have follow it just because "it is a standard". It looks like our realities and experiences regarding this topic are quite different.
  3. rfhmendes

    Support Tickets

    @Licensecart Are you alright? Is there something wrong with my question? I'm asking because your response seemed somewhat aggressive. If it is the case, please know that I didn't meant to offend you with my ignorance over this particular subject. Still, thank you for the tip. @Tyson I didn't knew about Markdown. Please check my screenshot. That's why I asked. The text is not "properly formated" without some extra lines (in my point of view ofc). But I now understand why it's not possible in Blesta. No worries. For really long texts, I will just create a PDF and attach it instead. Thank you for your time.
  4. rfhmendes

    Support Tickets

    Hi, When you open a long support ticket from the admin side and have to separate paragraphs with two or even three blank lines between each other, blesta doesn't respect the amount of blank lines. Example... Something like this: " example text.example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. " Will become this: " example text.example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. example text. " When the entry is edited directly at the database and more blank lines are added to correct the text, nothing happens. Any way to make Blesta respect the amount of blank lines? Regards, Ricardo Mendes
  5. From what I understood. KVM is not supported at this moment with Proxmox reloaded.
  6. +1 for the Proxmox Reloaded update!
  7. naja7host said above " is time to make some update in the module " at August 9th. I believe his working on it. Still, a quick solution/fix for the authentication issue would be awesome. I'm super curious to try out his plugin properly and see if it deserves a monthly donation.
  8. @Tyson, thanks for the help. It's fixed now. @activa, yes, I'm using the core module for now. Cheers.
  9. I have the same issue mentioned by the previous user. With the "standard" Proxmox module provided by Blesta works just fine. Your Proxmox Reloaded is not working at all right now. I suppose it's a bug caused by some changes in the newest proxmox versions. Don't know if this would be of interest but I would be willing to pay a monthly or yearly fee for a complete proxmox module with all the functionalities that SolusVM have currently (or at least the major ones).
  10. Hi, I understand this is an old thread. Anyway. I'm having the very same issue stated above (Empty error box). And I have seen it in another module as well -- not only in Proxmox.
  11. That would be awesome (support for KVM and unified pools).
  12. +1
  13. This is what I have understood so far. Currently, in order to sell domains with different prices through Blesta, you have to create a package for each TLD. These packages are associated with a specific group. Let us suppose a customer have a domain.com for example. He clicks at the "manage" button of that domain.com he registered and sees a button to change the plan. Within this small window he sees all domains available to be chosen -- since all the domains are associated with that specific group mentioned previously. Everyone -- not really -- knows it's not possible to change the name of a domain name. Some customers might get confused and think it's possible to change the name of a domain. Is there a way to avoid this from happening?!
  14. Just another interested customer in this functionality. Is there an update regarding this?
  15. Hi there, Nice module PauloV. How hard it would be to use this module with ResellOne instead? It looks like they use OpenSRS API if I'm not mistaken. I will be very happy to donate if I can get it to work with resellone ( www.resellone.net ). More info about it at: http://docs.whmcs.com/ResellOne Regards, RM
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