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Everything posted by MDHMatt

  1. Hey all, Im not sure how this happened but ive got a client in blesta with the username whiterose but in cpanel their user name is whiteroselaundry ??? Is there a way i can fix this mix up without cocking up their websites and emails etc? They are wanting to upgrade to a higher tier of hosting but the system wont let them due to the name inconsistency cheers!
  2. Hi all im needing some help. Does anyone have a module for domainbox.com I can help fund one if needed. I have the api documents which have example code so i bet wont take too much i just cant figure out how to make my own plugin/module without breaking blesta Cheers!
  3. I know it may sound silly but can you by any chance add West Yorkshire and South Yorkshire to the default list of available locations for client state. I mean you have North Yorkshire in the list! I have just a couple of clients not sure what to put and its looks odd when sending out bills. Having to tell Clients to put Leeds or Bradford or which ever town nearest just seems silly especially when you get bills addressed like this; someone some company 11 streetname Leeds Leeds GB, Post Code If i were to be really picky id say to remove the City names from the list and just have the County names as most people in uk will use the City box for the city
  4. no worries! just wanted to check it wasnt dead or something
  5. did this ever happen? Im starting to look into onapp
  6. MDHMatt

    Whmphp Support?

    Any one know of a way to integrate WHMPHP into blesta? ive just upgraded my shared hosting account to a "master" reseller (see http://smarthosting.co.uk ) and they use WHMPHP to set-up resellers under my account. Now there is a module for WHMCS (i have a license for that too) but wondered if support is available for blesta as its what i use and would like to keep it like that other wise im gonna have to jump ship Cheers
  7. yep thought it might have been as easy as that, no harm in checking tho cheers!
  8. hi probably being stupid but how would install this? i'm thinking of using SagePay to do my accounts and would be great to integrate with blesta and this looks pretty decent way of doing it. Currently use Paypal but think this would be better cheers
  9. Only problem is im getting permission denied when i try to cancel the service? i cant even unsuspend the account. it as i say all invoices have been voided just wont let me?
  10. Im having a problem with cancelling and removing a client. I set up a site for a friends band who agreed to pay may for hosting but ive yet to receive a dime from him so wishing to terminate his account. Ive set it to inactive voided all invoices (just goin to absorb the cost) but cant seem to cancel the service or delete the client. I just permission denied! Im the only user on the system and am set as admin i just dont know what to do Thanks guys
  11. Is that using the portal plugin? whats you site just so i can see what you mean?
  12. Well the ones you've done i quite like! Ive attached my wordpress theme see what you think it would take.
  13. well whats the easy way? and the hard way lol
  14. Hey all im wondering how i would go about using blesta as my actuall website? What i mean is i currently have it setup as wordpress for my website and blesta as a sub-domain. Im thinking of changing it so i can have blesta as the main default website. Would this be possible also would anyone recommend not doing it this way?
  15. Hey all, Im in need of a new module making so that i can sell domains via blesta with my webhost. Unfortunately they are using whmcs and have only developed a module for that and after waiting a while for them to develop something they have kinda turned round and said sorry we are too busy at the moment to put enough resources into this They have an api and details on how the structure works with their system. I have api access but php really isnt my strong point, you can see my other post about this here http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4376-connecting-blesta-to-whmcs-via-api/ So im wondering what the price would be for a module Cheers
  16. Get modulesbakery to make one!
  17. Hi i was wondering if it was possible to put expenses through blesta? I ask as i have just bought a domain name from a domain holding company and want to put it through my company. I'm only using blesta for my billing at the moment advise welcome if i should be using something else too!
  18. Thanks guys! this worked! Are you planning on updating this? 8 characters seems a bit short for a username and if they support it why not support it also esp if its a quick fix :/
  19. Tried changing the api but still not letting me?
  20. Hmm im getting an error saying: The username must be between 1 and 8 characters in length. ????
  21. Thanks, now when it comes to adding the package ive already created the site etc within whm and cpanel am i correct in thinking i need to: 1) deselect provision with cpanel 2) enter the domain name 3) enter the existing cpanel username and pass I dont mind deleting the whm client if needed as im goin to be redoing their site anyway
  22. Thanks at least its a start! Btw do you just haunt the forums? you seem to be the first one to reply to my posts lol
  23. currently just cPanel and Blesta are the services I use. Eventually when I pluck up the courage to do VPS hosting probs SolusVM (but that's for another discussion )
  24. Hi all, Maybe I'm being dumb but I cant seem to figure out how to create a hidden package? What I'm wanting is to be able to make a package that is priced as free but is only assignable by admin to a client ie clients don't see it on the order page and cannot upgrade / downgrade to. The reason is I'm hosting a website for a family friend but need to just bill them for the domain name as I'm giving them the web space since its just 1 page but want to add this free hosting package to their account so invoices can be generated to put through their accounts and so it can all be cancelled if they don't want it anymore. Cheers, Let me know if im not making sence lol
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