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Everything posted by MDHMatt

  1. Hey yes I’ve selected both in various options. Still no luck
  2. I’ve not looked into it for a while. My accountant has been sorting it
  3. I have 2 packages of .com and .co.uk that i want to move into the domain manager but i cant remove the old package as i have accounts using the package. How do i transfer them??
  4. About as much movement as a pebble on the side of river. really wish Blesta would focus on a few extra general business connections such as accounting software or bring its features into it
  5. @SystemFreaks Just installed it I like it! Could you please add an option to filter out inactive clients as I've clients showing up that no longer use my services but haven't requested account closure/removal.
  6. Would it be possible to do a cash flow projection broken down by month based on service renewal date? Also are these reports able to be exported to csv or json?
  7. general.NOTICE: E_NOTICE: Undefined property: stdClass::$UserGetPricingResult {"code":8,"message":"Undefined property: stdClass::$UserGetPricingResult","file":"/path/to/blesta/public_html/billing/components/modules/namecheap/namecheap.php","line":1508} general.NOTICE: E_NOTICE: Trying to get property 'ProductType' of non-object {"code":8,"message":"Trying to get property 'ProductType' of non-object","file":"/path/to/blesta/billing/components/modules/namecheap/namecheap.php","line":1508} general.NOTICE: E_NOTICE: Trying to get property 'ProductCategory' of non-object {"code":8,"message":"Trying to get property 'ProductCategory' of non-object","file":"/path/to/blesta/billing/components/modules/namecheap/namecheap.php","line":1508} TLD are not getting pricing details from name cheap. Domains pulled through and added to domain manager but no pricing information is registered. the above is from the logs
  8. Bumping ...
  9. would it be possible to make the stripe module use "automatic_payment_methods[enabled]"=true instead of explicitly forcing a card payment? This would allow the client to select the available options such as BACS transfers ect that have been activated on stipes dashboard end. see here for refernace https://stripe.com/docs/payments/bacs-debit/accept-a-payment?platform=web#automatic-payment-methods
  10. hello im trying to setup an ach account but unable to do so for a uk account. UK banks don't have 9 digits as the routing (also called sort code in uk)
  11. @pdiThanks! That’s seem to work Does this get overwritten when you upgrade??
  12. As per their documentation found here https://www.namecheap.com/support/api/global-parameters/ and described here https://www.namecheap.com/support/api/intro/ they use whitelisted ipv4 address to control access to the api which you enter into your account page. Should you enter a non whitelisted ip it gives an error. this could also be useful for people with multiple IP address who maybe want to limit what ip to use for api calls
  13. @Paul can we have a way to enter an ip in the module settings that lets us set the ClientIP? this could be auto populated using the existing code but having an option to adjust it would be great as namecheap get you to whitelist ip address to use the api with and only ipv4
  14. Scheduled domains are showing under the services list but when you select scheduled services nothing shows but look in the domains tab and its there
  15. MDHMatt

    PHP 8 Support

    Thanks, saw the update awaiting on the .1 for any bug fixes that may have arisen from the switch
  16. MDHMatt

    PHP 8 Support

    Hey any news on PHP 8 support? Im aware its probably dependant on ionCube updating the code to support php 8.
  17. Unfortunately I can’t remove the v6 address. The logs looks like we could define an ip to use??
  18. Is there a way to force the namecheap module to use ipv4 only? The api does NOT support ipv6 (verified by namecheap support) and it causing errors when trying to purchase domains.
  19. Hey just wondering if you have made any progress?
  20. yeah that works fine, i just assumed it would always show the total active not just on the day sign ups?? Its not affecting day to day running just nice to see
  21. No I’m wondering if the graph is showing wrong? Should the graph show 18 active not 0
  22. As can be seen on the image the service graph isn't showing active clients etc. it only adjusts when a service is activated that day. is this the expected behaviour of should it be showing totals also
  23. Well thank you! I must have added this ages ago and forgot about it. the vat moss report script you find on the forum is broken i guess, please close this thread! Ps Keep up the great work so glad i found blesta 5 years ago!
  24. general.ERROR: Uncaught Exception Error: "Interface 'ReportType' not found" at /xxxx/xxxx/xxxxx/billing/components/reports/vat_moss/vat_moss.php line 10 {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Interface 'ReportType' not found at /xxxx/xxxx/xxxx/billing/components/reports/vat_moss/vat_moss.php:10)"} Im unable to run reports and im getting this error appearing in logs TIA Matt
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