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Everything posted by ariq01

  1. @timnboys did you guys create OVH/SOYOUSTART/KIMSUFI Module i can start resell ovh products (especially VPS SSD) ?
  2. So with OVH/SOYOUSTART/KIMSUFI Module i can start resell ovh products (especially VPS SSD) right? I'm interested with that module + affiliate plugin. Let me/us know it, if you're ready to sell your module and affiliate plugin @naja7host
  3. You sure have a - OVH/SOYOUSTART/KIMSUFI Module ? How much price ?
  4. Same with me. on client side a href on submit button is # . But on admin area works as usual. @naja7host
  5. ariq01

    Blesta Cache

    have you chmod the cache folder to 777 ?
  6. I'll contact soon soon when my new blesta trial ended Thanks mike
  7. Hi i have a owned license (which not direct purchase). I bought it from licensecart. And i need developer license to develop my own blesta. How about it ?
  8. Hi naja, you should check this link https://www.wh**s.com/members/communityaddons.php?action=viewmod&id=1074
  9. Hello i'm interested with this. My theme on wordpress (divi) is here https://www.pelajarhosting.com and my blesta on here : https://clientarea.pelajarhosting.com Can you integrate my blesta with my wordpress theme? Any special discount? :|
  10. It's great naja, btw How about add Licensing addon to that module. I mean, we can sell our digital product with licensing system. And blesta (our client area) as license verification.
  11. ++ i need this to help me the status of payment transaction. So if the product cost Rp 250000, blesta automate adding extra cost to Rp 250061. So client must transfer Rp 250061 to our bank (manual processing)
  12. i know a reason, why - blesta Hosting CMS (will not to release)
  13. Insecure Connection www.stacktron.net uses an invalid security certificate. The certificate is only valid for the following names: othio.com, www.othio.com The certificate expired on Friday, March 4, 2016 6:59 AM. The current time is Monday, March 14, 2016 7:23 PM. (Error code: ssl_error_bad_cert_domain) looks like wrong ssl configuration
  14. What a wonderful blesta theme
  15. up up +1. Please add this additional feature on Blesta 3.6.2, blesta team :')
  16. Hello. I've got an critical error today when i try to order one of my product (hosting) How to solve it? Please help
  17. ariq01

    Release 3.6.0

    Upgraded captain. Still waiting for affiliates plugin? :3
  18. What happened with ModulesBakery ? i'm sorry to hear that :'( , i got the email too. Actually i need ModulesBakery to take care DigitalOcean module on blesta . But ModulesBakery going close, how about the DigitalOcean module for the future?
  19. may i suggest one thing? marketplace blesta should use fancy box to display screenshot of product.
  20. prefer vestacp for blesta. But until now vestacp stilln't develop blesta module
  21. i'm sorry. this is my fault, i'm forget to fill date format box ( d M, Y ) http://prntscr.com/8chgcv
  22. Hi. one of my client order a cpanel service on 29 Aug, 2015 9:11:32 PM . But maybe (after i upgraded to 5.3.5) : Date Created: #blank Date Renews: #blank And prorate always checked : http://prntscr.com/8cfut7 *I have uncheck it and disable prorate but always checked Is it a bug?
  23. remove .com on text box. Just type kokjkoh and pick .com
  24. SOLVED. the main problem , because of smtp restrictions : http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4290-smtp-problem-when-using-mandrill-mailgun/ i have contacted the staff, and disable it. Voila, i can email via smtp sendgrid . :')
  25. I have check the smtp connection (with another blesta installation and another server). AND it is connected! Well, the main problem is from my server. Did anyone ever known this problem.?
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