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  1. That worked perfectly. Thank you very much
  2. It is the Namecheap module. I was asked by my boss to remove them. I'm not sure if he doesn't know that two name server fields need to be filled out, or if he knows that but is just going to have it done on our end manually so clients don't have to worry about it. (Edit: We're not using the automatic procurement feature so we don't need the name servers and would like them to not show up so clients don't get confused.)
  3. It looks like their included as part of the module. In the edit package screen, it says I'm using the "Domain Registration" module type and it has the options for TLDs and then five spots for Name Servers. It doesn't look like there is a way to remove those name server spots, and I've left them blank but they still show up as configurable options on the Order Summary page.
  4. Currently on the order summary page of the Domain Registration or Transfer wizard there are configurable options showing for five Name Servers. I was wondering if it was possible to remove these options.
  5. Thank you. Somehow I didn't notice that there was a link for Add-on under package groups until you said something and I went back in to double check.
  6. I was wondering if there is a way to remove the Available Addons list from checkout if there are no addons. Currently under "Available Addons" it says premum backups with the option of none. I would like for this to not show up. I can't even figure out why it's saying premium backups.
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