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WebHostCentral UK - Dean

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Everything posted by WebHostCentral UK - Dean

  1. Hello Guys, I was wondering what you are all using to inform your customers of Scheduled Maintenance etc? Any good installable scripts or php software?
  2. Thank you guys! Yeah i will take a look this evening and see what i can do with it! I like the client area looking spot on! those little things bug me
  3. I would like to know if their is a way to change a product label on a customers service I.e Dedicated IP label to say the IP they have been given i.e Some SSL products that was imported do not have a label or the label is their username for cPanel.. Is there a way we can change this manually? Even if i need to go into phpmyadmin and manually change this? Thanks for the help in advance
  4. Can you tell i need sleep? Direct from Blesta.... I like dealing with the company direct (even if it costs a little more)
  5. Big thanks to Modules Bakery for their outstanding support on getting this up and running...... Fantastic module.. Well worth having.. I think that users would benefit from some sort of trial if available to really see the full benefit for the customer Again Fantastic Module
  6. Oh unbranded blesta... I have been up to many hours!!!
  7. replied when writing this lol
  8. Yeah i found it i do have an open ticket with you (if i say pretty please can you see if you can get someone onto it?)
  9. I think i may have worked that out with your documentation
  10. Is there a way to import data from original cPanel Plugin?
  11. No Link for this item Looks really useful Thanks
  12. Unbranded license from WHMCS direct.. If you need access to whmcs / phpmyadmin etc then just PM me with what you need or email dean(at)webhostcentral . co . uk and ill send over what you need
  13. If you need access to whmcs my license runs out on the 16th
  14. Hey Paul I "was" using 5.3.11 (nearly finished with switching yay!) This would be good if i could get old passwords working as my customers are well....... Enough said!
  15. Thanks i will take a look a little later as not 100% important at the moment but its on my todo list
  16. Not used it personally but seen some good things on webhostingtalk about it
  17. Hello Guys, I know i know i am a pain... Was just wondering if there was any integration code for the login page etc For instance i have a log in box that sends the information to the client area login page and Clients can use my website to search for a domain and it will copy domain information to client side domain search Do you get what I mean? Just looking for the code
  18. To late now!! Woops!! ill just get customers to reset passwords that would be the easiest option Thanks for the information Regards
  19. again i do like the idea of hiding the full path as this is a potential clue to hackers etc... but with a little htaccess modding etc we can hide the full path
  20. Then they would not be able to connect the way they should.. Any hosting environment should be secured (or face exploits etc) If you do not wish your clients to have access to the hostname then maybe look at purchasing cpanel extended for Blesta then your customers can manage everything from within blesta
  21. i second that.. i really do want to get away and turn off my phone but i can not do it!!!
  22. Hello Guys, I am having an issue with customers using old WHMCS Passwords I followed the documentation to allow whmcs-md5 but this is still not working? any ideas or just reset all passwords?
  23. This isnt really anything to worry about.. It is just saying that you are using a little bit more resource then you have set a limit for
  24. This should not matter if you are a reseller... Your Host should have an SSL on the server... The module will forward to the server host name not your Domain name?
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