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WebHostCentral UK - Dean

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Everything posted by WebHostCentral UK - Dean

  1. i would suggest delete the cron for Blesta - do the import then make sure everything is fine before you set up the cron on Blesta Last thing you wont is random emails or invoices etc being sent to customers When we did the import we made sure everything was spot on before enabling the cron
  2. What was you doing to get this error out of curiosity? The more information we have the better we can diagnose.. But like Mike said your host should not be blocking outgoing connections.. To block outgoing connections means any licensed software.. API calls etc would be blocked leading to your hosting being pretty much information based and not interactive
  3. Paul has pretty much covered it so all that is left to say is welcome to the Blesta community
  4. I know.. get tired at that time of the night and my brain goes dead lool.. Who develops the script for SSL store?
  5. I was configuring an SSL at the time and had ssl shopper in my head!
  6. Sorry Let me edit.. sslstore sorry
  7. Hello Guys, Just tested the SSL Store plugin and it worked OK Although payment should be first then ask for the CRT etc Another thing i noticed was that you can reissue the certificate but no way to download it
  8. Yes the API needs resetting.. I have different keys for different things. i.e Outlook - 1 key Blesta - 1 key Smartphone - 1 key That way it helps identify where the mail is going out from etc and authentication issues
  9. It is usually copy and paste.... Anyways are you running your own server? reseller? VPS? Shared?
  10. Very Naughty!!! Everyone makes mistakes eh!!! some make bigger then others i suppose... Lets hope they have learnt from their mistakes going forward. I would still like a plugin to this service?
  11. What security issues are these? I heard about the DDOS from a user that got put on the record? Looking at both i think i still prefer fraud record
  12. I had this with madrill, i logged into mandrill, added a new API and then it started working
  13. Any updates on this feature as its now been a while?
  14. Its under the table States I just found GB and copied an existing state and renamed it to what i needed
  15. Sorry Pal leeds is in west yorkshire, Not west yorkshire is in leeds.... bit like saying london is a state of tottenham I have had to manually add this into the database.. I do think this needs looking at for UK customers.... That list also needs updating
  16. Try refreshing your access hash in whm... You should always use SSL when connecting the the server... If you are using a reputable host then the server will deffo have an SSL.
  17. You are more then welcome
  18. Thank you i will take a look into that
  19. This happens when i activate a new clients hosting account?
  20. OK i think i spoke to soon!! i have a similar issue is this related to welcome email?
  21. I had a similar message pop up but that was because i was trying to activate what was already activated
  22. I know this is a little old but was you doing this locally or on a live server?
  23. I have recently just imported all from WHMCS (3-4 days ago) and i can tell you that the import worked with just 1 issue (WHMCS Client Passwords). Your Hosting is it Dedicated? Reseller? my first thought would be that you maxed out resources so the server froze the import leading to a failed or partial import
  24. I was looking at that but it doesnt have a scheduled maintenance part only recent incidents I think I may have to get someone to right a small script lol
  25. Im looking for something like statuspage.io but cheaper as i think their prices are a little to high
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