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WebHostCentral UK - Dean

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WebHostCentral UK - Dean last won the day on February 12 2015

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    West Yorkshire

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  1. Add this into next release pleaaasee lol
  2. I am like Paul, I use different OS's for different purposes however, I was a big fan of XP back in the day Vista... lets not go there 7 - Redeemed themselves 8.. waste of time 8.1 better but still not XP/7 standard 10.. I use windows 10 of a daily basis, From what i have seen it is going to be a fantastic release and prob the best OS they have ever released. It looks like they have taken all the good things from xp/7/8.1 and combined to make an awesome OS Obviously this is still in development and a lot can still change but i am very impressed so far.. You got to expect some bugs etc I like the fact that it will be Free for the first year and it will encourage consumers to upgrade. From what i hear they hope to have it polished off by middle of September Cortana is going to be a very welcome addition to windows
  3. and contact page is missing
  4. Looking Good Few more things i have spotted when you click links on the shared hosting or reseller packages it takes you to vps... then when you click configure vps it takes you back to either shared or reseller page Other than that i think your sorted thumbs up
  5. I have no idea what the IP's would be tbh the company that is hosting this server are useless... its means now the client will move over to me so not all bad!
  6. Hello Mike, Just testing that on the server in question google and facebook ok but to you and blesta it failed... I also tried this on a working server with Blesta installed and exactly the same as above links below (file will be removed from server soon) link 1 (client website) link 2 (my website)
  7. I will take a look at it again a little later and report back
  8. Hey Guys, Has anyone had issues with licenses.. The issue i have is.. I am setting up a clients Blesta and started with the trail about half hour ago... within 10 mins it logged me out and said license invalid.. I then put a proper license key in which worked for another 10 minutes.. i reissued the license key and it started working again.. As you can imagine it just logged me out. This time instead of reissuing the license i just copied the same license key in the box and it accepted it again? Would this just be a crap server that the client is using?
  9. was easy after looking for ages to find 3.4.1 to 3.4.2 in patches and couldn't find it so used 3.4.0 to 3.4.2
  10. Nice looking website Couple of things i have spotted with both the website and and integration 1) website header there is a small white gap between the top of the page to the header.. If this is meant to be there then sorry 2) Links under control panels have funny characters only on website part not under blesta they display correctly 3) On the client login page the type boxes for user and password seem to have some formatting issue as not displaying correctly (the text inside the box that is) 4) same as number 3 but in knowledge base search box 5) when clicking order under billing the link seems to get stuck loading? Looking good tho Keep up the good work
  11. Is there a way to do this for just client side? if you change this it also changes admin results?
  12. Hello and welcome.. I have looked at cachetHQ but didnt see a way to install via web browser only SSH I am not a big fan of installing software this way.. Still interested in the software.. especially if there is a way to plug in via blesta Regards
  13. Im sure it was already within the software.. I know this can be done as i have seen a lot of hosting forums that do it to mark their status updates ... In progress, resolved etc This is what a quick search found http://community.invisionpower.com/blogs/entry/5918-ipboard-320-tagging-and-prefixes/
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