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Everything posted by activa

  1. check a components from PauloV . is done for exporting to csv .
  2. just to note , when you login as client, the invoice are shown with the client language and not with staff language .
  3. i have tested it now, it working like a charm
  4. Really good orders forms .
  5. 1+ for this request . the plugins actions is lilimed due to this lock feature.
  6. Thanks for your help .
  7. i have request a semilar one in this thread http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4840-proforma-pdf-payment-info/ so 1+ .
  8. my opinion will go with naja and Infralliance . i have see in some other thread the same request , i don't remeber who has post this request , but it was the same case we have in our office . so +1 to fix the language used in login as client .
  9. is using the pagination helper depend in other helper/model ? i have set up it in my plugin , the page show the real item should be displayed , when i navigate manually to the next page it should the next items , so the pagination is working , but is not showing the navigation links in client side . not in client template i'm not using the WidgetClient to render the page . i use the fallowing line in the pdt file $this->Pagination->build();
  10. Simply use Admin tools of naja7host user . you can change the links via admin interface .
  11. what version you use ? normally blesta show transaction in invoice . also html template of naja7host show it also .
  12. The best option is to have a ovveride price per package for client . this is more used in some case . if i have client that have X service in package Y . then i want to add a special price for it in this service , i will overide the package price for him, every new service created he will get the new package price .
  13. a universal cart is highly demanded . so 1+
  14. to read http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4125-update-tcpdf-to-latest-version-resolve-core-1173/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/4102-pdf-invoices-big-600kb/ http://www.blesta.com/forums/index.php?/topic/3001-core-1173-reduce-file-size-of-invoice-pdf-documents/
  15. i think you need to do 2 call from api 1 - for create/reply ticket 2 - fpor sending email the call for creating/replty ticket , well return and id , use that ID to call the send email from API . not need to edit the core files .
  16. if mode rewrite was not enabled , it will never work the system url rewrite . maybe the way blesta check the extentions need some deep look .
  17. what i have se the cart is using it own sessions ..... we can make our plugins manipulating the sessions directly without the need to use the order form functions .
  18. i think is time to update the bootsrap shipped with blesta , the shipped version is Bootstrap v3.1.1 , latest version is 3.3.5 . what is really should to be is to make bootsrap as a vendors .
  19. changing route in routes.php is fine, but we should every upgrade re-add our routes . the idea is nice if the additional routes can be rerieved from databse . that way we can controle routes totally without touching any core file .
  20. as the title se is possible to add item to order cart outise the order form ? if yes what is need to be sent to the cart and url should be used . best regards
  21. from my point of view, this can be done manually . normally if you want to split invoice you need to select wich lines will be in the spillter invoice , the time to select and decide is the same time to copy/paste in new invoice but anyway if there is something auto is better
  22. Invoices.add is your friend http://docs.blesta.com/display/dev/Event+Handlers
  23. if you are in a competitive and huge market , your client will say 1000 word . as you say i not thread for conavinting each other , but just to talk about some cases . in the end , if blesta will add this, then it should be a option disabled by default .
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