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Everything posted by activa

  1. What you Think about USA patriot act ? all your data are under this law . so , nowadays , spying has no meaning for me , all thing is UNDER CONTROL by others .
  2. Hello we have a custom gateway , the payment is accepted and all the data are well received by the return_url with the success() function . return array( 'client_id' => $this->ifSet($get['client_id']), 'amount' => ($this->ifSet($response['amount']) * 100) , 'currency' => $this->ifSet($response['currency']), //Serialized invoice numbers 'invoices' => $this->deserializeInvoices($this->ifSet($response['ctrlCustomData'])), 'reference_id' => $this->ifSet($response['orderID']), 'status' => $this->ifSet($status), 'transaction_id' => $this->ifSet($response['transactionID']), 'parent_transaction_id' => null ); but is not recorder in the transaction list or the log . is there any missing thing i have missed ?
  3. in blesta , if you want to change all the date you need to make them in 1 or 2 day top cover all the areas . and in every upgrade we must re-edit the files agains the setlocale is the only reasonable solution for such big areas , and is not affecting any server settings like php.ini .
  4. i have a similar case , just my case is for token . the gateway class generate a token based in client data and current time (so is impossible to be a duplicated or we can re-generate it ) , this toked sended via post to the gateway . when the client complete the payment , the gateway post a data to the blesta return_url , the data returned as json and is encrypted with the token already sent . we can't decrypt the data until we have the token used first time . in the return back i have resolved this by storing the token in the sessions . but in callback notify url is not possible to use sessions , and we will get a empty token from session . what type of fields i should store in database to use it later ? token , client_id ?
  5. i don't know wich gateway you use , but i think your should search the returned data for trade_status=TRADE_FINISHED TRADE_FINISHED mean that the operation is paid . http://global.alipay.com/faq/mainquestions.htm#q15
  6. Hello , we want to see the gateway name in multi-language , some payment method are not standard and not a universal term . something like paypal , stripe .. can be universal , but some like money order , bank, wire transfer , direct deposit , ect .. are not universal, and they change with every language . what i suggest is to store the language definition like "Gateway_money_order" instead of the gateway name in the language file . and then when we fetch the gateway data from database, we have the language var and just we need to use it as language var . that way we can get the gateway name in any language in use . what do you thinks ?
  7. last question maybe , normally i should write my own method to re-check after X days interval ? i should save the module response in a database field ? and how to impelement a way to re-check after X 10 days ? should i store a cookies for that or also store the last response date in database . any code to help is apprecciated
  8. the admin tools plugins allow modification , and it work as it should be , the probleme come from the navigation link that add the base_uri for every link . so if we put http://www.blesta.com in link , in the client dashboard it become http://your_blesta_domain.com/blesta_path/clien/thttp://www.blesta.com
  9. 1+ for activating order and checking new emails .
  10. 1+ for activating order and checking new emails .
  11. From this link http://docs.blesta.com/display/user/License+Manager where to find the licence.php ? is a file with the module or the plugin ? or is the file inside the app/models/ directory ?
  12. we want to sea a option to allow us exclude one or 2 currencies from the autoupdate exchange rate . we want to put a value that shouldn't be altered by the auto update exchange rate . a option inside the currency setup autoupdate exchange rate , (enable/disable) enable by default is a good option .
  13. yes , i have sayed that i will use it . i need answers for other questions
  14. Hello . we are almost done our new website . we want to sell some scripts with license and we need some feedbacks and ideas , experiences . in this market . we have 2 type of license . 1 - full open source code , this one no problem in it , we sell the full code source of the product . 2 - coded version , and license based in domain/path . the second case is the subject here , we will use blesta license manager . i want to know how we can make a good approach for this ? how/when we store a valid response for valid license ? when we should make the script recheck the licence ? the check license should be in the preaction function ? we should stop admin front and client fronted also in case of invalid license ? any help in this in appreciated .
  15. just to note , is resolved by naja7host , thank naja7host for your help , he found the solution for our case .
  16. the message show the balance for opened invoices . nothing related to due date .
  17. activa

    Blesta Design

    other Good integration . near i will show my final result . about languages selector , hove you based on the admin tools plugin functions ?
  18. search it in the forum.
  19. is possible to get the group_id belong to a package within a function or call . i want to use it in my own plugin . let say we will use only the default order form .
  20. you can do it .. use the CMS in blesta (use naja7host admin tolls plugin to add pages in cms) . if you don't care about multilanguages content is your best choice .
  21. are the words well transaled in frensh in support ticket ?
  22. that setting will be universal in all listing pages that use pagination in blesta , including services, invoices, transactions, orders .... ect
  23. already exist a plugin for backup/restore databse . i don't remember when i have see it . put it exist .
  24. wich version of blesta do you use ? normally under the fucntion public function downloadInvoices(array $invoice_ids, array $options = null) { $invoices = $this->getInvoices($invoice_ids, true); $this->buildInvoices($invoices, true, $options)->download(); } add the fucntion public function streamInvoices(array $invoice_ids, array $options = null) { $invoices = $this->getInvoices($invoice_ids, true); $this->buildInvoices($invoices, true, $options)->stream(); } that all .
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